Which is more accurate and how many dpo did you get a bfp? Anyone get with wandfo a but
with Frer or clear blue?
Which is more accurate and how many dpo did you get a bfp? Anyone get with wandfo a but
with Frer or clear blue?
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Claire.Peonies: I'm going to link you a post made to weddingbee...http://boards.weddingbee.com/topic/pregnancy-tests-by-sensitivity#axzz2cKnGnLbO. This will give you pregnancy tests by sensitivity. FRERs are usually the most sensitive tests out there.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
I like the wondfos for testing early so I'm not wasting money, but with this pregnancy the FRER was much more clear than my wondfo was.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
I used a dollar store cheapie at 9dpo - BFN. At 11dpo I did another cheapie - slight bfp so I took a FRER and it was a bright, clear and instant BFP. I wonder if I would have tried the frer at 9dpo if it would have been positive or not.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Bao: ditto, exactly. I got a super duper faint but there positive on wondfo and a clear positive on a frer with the same cup of pee.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
My Wondfo showed a suuuuuuuper faint positive at 7dpo, then at 8dpo both the Wondfo and FRER showed positives that looked about the same in line-color.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
@Claire.Peonies: only time will tell, wait a few days and test again. Good luck!
watermelon / 14467 posts
I got a faint BFP on a Wondfo at 8dpo, and a clear FRER at 9dpo. I like the cheapies for early testing so I don't waste a ton of money.
pomelo / 5228 posts
I got a positive on a Wondfo when my HcG didn't get higher than 13. The FRER was a little darker, but I still think both are super sensitive.
coconut / 8472 posts
In my experience, the wondfos were more sensitive. For 4 cycles I used an injection to trigger, called ovidrel, which uses pregnancy hormones. So for days it gives you false positives until it clears out of your system. It would take FOREVER for the wondfos to stop showing up positive, like 12-13DPO. The cycle I used FRERs to test out the trigger (because I lost my wondfos) I stopped getting positives with in the 10 minute window at 8/9DPO. I got a real positive on one at 10DPO and felt confident in it :).
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
@MrsCB: that's because they detect a different hormone-LH, so it's a different mechanism.
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