We survived baby's first plane trip! Woohoo! It was very interesting to see the different reactions from the crew. We took 3 flights and the first 2 crews were really friendly, the 3rd one not so much (but they seemed a little surly to other passengers as well).

The first crew asked if this was our first trip and instructed me on the best way to hold baby during turbulence and let me know where the change table was and that there was hot & cold water available for bottles. They told me that they'd drop off the infant life vest if needed.

The second crew was super friendly and came by to say hi to baby a few times. They also let us know where the change table was and that there was hot & cold water. The infant life vest was put in my seat pocket and they said they'd pick it up at the end of the flight.

The third crew barely acknowledged us. They told me that there was no microwave to warm bottles. I had to ask whether or not there was a change table and unfortunately there wasn't (even though this was the largest plane we flew, by far). There was no mention of life vests. The flight attendant also told me (with a pretty brusque tone) that the baby wasn't allowed in the Baby K'tan for takeoff and landing.

How has your experience been with flying with an infant?