Hellobee Boards


We're Going to Let LO Cry-It-Out Tonight in Order to Night Wean, and No Lie, I'm Scared!

  1. cranberryapple

    kiwi / 540 posts

    @Bao: So....did it happen naturally for your LO?

    We've backslid and I've nursed him for the past four nights. He was waking up at 5AM and seemed really hungry, but man did he nurse well throughout the day! My MIL was visiting and I felt bad for his crying in the middle of the night, plus I wanted to see if it would make him wake up later in the morning, and it worked half of the time, I think. Also, we will be staying with my parents for a week and I have no doubt that his sleep will be messed up, so might as well save the night weaning until after we are back! I also see that he has some teeth coming in, so I feel bad for him! But....this is how it started in the first place when the feedings gradually increased. Argh!

  2. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    @cranberryapple: ugh she got sick and we back tracked. We just got a video monitor so hopefully that helps but we still need to work on this again. Oye!


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