For the last year or so, we have not used a monitor at all. I know, gasp. Ours was a piece of crap and we couldn't get it to work in our new house so we gave up. It was fine because our room was next to LO's - we left both doors open and could hear her perfectly.

In our next house, the master bedroom is downstairs and the two other bedrooms are upstairs. It kind of sucks but we really like this house otherwise. It's a rental, too, so it's not permanent. Still, we are going to need a monitor.

I've been pretty against video monitors and said I would not have one for a future LO because I became unhealthily obsessed with ours when LO was an infant. I really think we would do just fine with a simple, old-school audio monitor. She's almost 2 and STTN 99% of the time.

HOWEVER - I am considering getting a video monitor with two cameras, because there is a play room space upstairs. Is it crazy to think we could set up one of the cameras in the playroom and I could go do things downstairs for short periods and watch LO?

Another consideration is that we are absolutely bleeding money right now with the move. Of course, we have help from my husband's company but I am trying to not go bonkers buying everything under the sun right now.

So what do you think - pony up for a video monitor or just get the basic one?