I really want to get fit so that I can play with Charlie and Olive without getting tired. Plus I need to lower my cholesterol and to lose some weight.

So a few weeks ago, I decided to do a total lifestyle change. After seeing my doctor, I started eating a high-fiber diet with lots of fruit and veggies... and stopped eating red meat and also cut back on (polyunsaturated) fat. I also got serious about cutting out sugar and simple carbs.

Translation: no hamburgers, no fries, no bagels, basically none of my favorite foods. I've done low-carb before, but never upped the fiber and controlled my meat intake before. I even use skim milk when I can bear it (which isn't that often).

Overall, I feel much healthier and I've lost five pounds. It's the first time that I've ever done a true lifestyle change. I'm eating better, walking more and even drinking a glass of red wine every night (doctor's orders!).

The surprise has been that as my diet changed, so has my palette. I find myself looking forward to my daily dose of Fiber One breakfast cereal combined with strawberry and raspberry. The hardest part of all this has been that I stopped eating mayo. Before I thought I was eating sandwiches with mayo. Now I realize that I was really just eating the mayo, with the sandwich on the side. I LOVE YOU MAYO!!

Anyway, we'll see how it goes. I want to set a good example for Charlie and Olive, so this lifestyle change has come at a good time.

Were you healthy before you had kids? Have you gotten healthier since starting a family?