I seem to have drawn a blank on when new babies can be taken out into public. How long did you wait?
I seem to have drawn a blank on when new babies can be taken out into public. How long did you wait?
nectarine / 2054 posts
@CatchAFallingStar: I think we went out for coffee after her first doctor's appointment, so like 5 days old? We took them out very early. I mean, they're in their carseat + stroller or in a carrier, they weren't really in a position to be picking up random stranger germs. We fully took advantage of the sleepy newborn days.
nectarine / 2809 posts
@Beehive: ok! I had read a month. But I know I didn’t wait that long with our first!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
I think this is a personal decision. We waited until after their two month shots. But both were born during cold times /cold / flu seasons
persimmon / 1005 posts
DS1, several weeks. I forget exactly but I was super paranoid. DS2 we went to target after his checkup at three days old. Of course it’s definitely a personal decision but I struggled a lot after DS1 was born with anxiety and feelings of depression and confining myself to the house did not help. I felt SO much more normal and like a regular person with DS2 because I didn’t freak out about taking him on small errands.
persimmon / 1196 posts
We went to Target the day after we came home from the hospital, and ran other similar errands pretty regularly after that. We took LO to a family get-together (specifically for the purpose of people meeting and holding her) when she was about a week and a half old, and then to Christmas festivities at three weeks. Plus there were trips to both my and my husband's workplaces in that timeframe as well.
pomegranate / 3231 posts
My son was an early March baby and I took him out as soon as I was ready to get out of the house. But we live in a walkable urban place where it's easy to take the stroller somewhere and sit down for lunch or a cup of coffee.
However I did not let children visit until he got vaccinated, and I never went to a large gathering where people would try to play pass the baby. I kept him either with me or in the stroller or bucket seat. And if we had a grandparent or close friend visit then we let them hold him (provided they washed their hands first).
ETA: We skipped Passover at 6w old because I knew I would be busy dealing with him. Plus my mom invited a bunch of non-relatives and I wanted to avoid the crowd especially since it was not people important to me so I did not care about him meeting them. Not worth it.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@CatchAFallingStar: Not until after his first vaccines per our pediatric clinic, but it was flu season. He got his first shots at six weeks.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
We took LO2 out fairly early as she was already exposed to LO1 who was a germ factory. I think it’s personal choice.
With that said, both my kids weren’t born in the midst of flu season. I would have some serious pause considering the flu epidemic going on right now.
ETA: I would be more prone to limit my older child going out than the baby. He’s the one more likely to get sick and bring it home to the baby.
nectarine / 2054 posts
@CatchAFallingStar: I think I waited until 2 month shots to take them on the subway, but just walking around outside, going to a restaurant, or attending a moms' meet-up with other newborns, I didn't wait. But I agree that it's a personal choice, for sure!
persimmon / 1381 posts
About two weeks for both of my kids, they stayed in the car seat the entire time though
nectarine / 2431 posts
Like 5 days? It was the middle of July though.
Eta: I should say it was to Target while I was wearing him. We didn't take him "out out" until after 2 month shots.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Depends on what you mean by "out."
Open-air places like parks and restaurants with outdoor seating? I'd be willing to do a couple weeks, and if I was worried, I'd hang a thin blanket over the car seat.
Semi-crowded places with mixed ages, like grocery shopping or church? Maybe a month. Again, bringing a thin blanket.
Crowded indoor kids places like an indoor playplace or childcare rooms at church? Personally I avoid as long as possible, like 4-6 months.
LO1 doesn't go to daycare, but he daily goes to parks, libraries, or stores. We asked that my babysitters not take him to any crowded indoor kid places for the first month. That would be stores and indoor playplaces.
Both babies have been winter babies.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
After their 8 week shots.
I don’t want to be an alarmist, but our first son died at 6 weeks old because he caught a simple cold.
Not worth the risks, especially this time of year
honeydew / 7622 posts
Open air places- within the first week. It was a warm spring. DD got dehydrated the first week and after that I got really paranoid and only allowed my Mom for a month. But we still went out on walks. We would have allowed MIL but her husband had pneumonia. We skipped a baby shower when she was 6 weeks old.
After what @LAZB: has been through I’ll probably pull DD1 from childcare and not allow visitors for several weeks. I’d go out open air places early again still. Specifically wineries. But not stores or restaurants or anything similar.
nectarine / 2521 posts
@CatchAFallingStar: Around 2 weeks old, both winter babies. But they never come out of their carseat and a thick drape is over it. I did target, Starbucks, are out.
pineapple / 12053 posts
Within the first week with both. No way to keep a baby home once we had another and I expect it will be the same with baby 3. I was wearing them or they were cover d in the car seat.
grapefruit / 4584 posts
Basically right away. I had a gap in family help from when DD3 was a week old....so I still needed to drop off/pick up my kids at school (we walked there), I needed to get groceries, etc. No one was handling her, but she was out and about with me in an ergo.
pomelo / 5573 posts
I used to see people at the mall with tiny babies and think “what are you doing?!?! That baby is too small to be out in public!” Then I had a baby and by day 6 I was going stir crazy, so we took him to walk around Target and have a drink in the Starbucks. He never left his car seat, and we packed like we were going to be gone for a week.
nectarine / 2461 posts
yeah, late spring and summer babies I'm less concerned about than flu-season babies. we took our boy out right away in his car seat or in the the solly wrap, but I was super mama-bear and careful about him being touched by anyone until after the 2-month shots, particularly kids and other parents.
nectarine / 2180 posts
We took our November baby to home depot 4 days after birth and out to dinner 5 days after birth. Both times she was in her car seat with a bunting cover so there was little exposure
pear / 1648 posts
Pretty much right away but I've had 2 late summer babies and I kept them protected in a wrap or car seat. DD2 is 7 months and I still don't really let anyone touch her aside from immediate family and her daycare teachers. The people at church didn't really see her for months because I kept her snuggled inside the Solly wrap.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
My first was a July baby, so I brought her places that were outside for the most part- like sitting at a restaurant outside- within a couple weeks.
My second was a December baby. It took longer to bring her to something like a restaurant but I did bring her to my older daughters classes. She would be in a carrier or car seat, and while there were other kids around, there were also other moms who were aware and helped keep germs from her.
persimmon / 1082 posts
3 months for church! 2 months for walks! LO was quarantined! With the flu going around I don’t take him out as much.
pear / 1955 posts
LO1 was born in July, and we were out and about the first week. LO2 was born in February, and I think we went out after about 2 weeks-ish - but kept him in the car seat with a light blanket over it.
persimmon / 1101 posts
Both of mine were flu season babes. I waited eight weeks (shots) with my first. With my second, I did go out shopping some but only during quiet times. I would either use a car seat cover or wrap her closely and literally hold the wrap over her face (obviously with room to breathe) if we got too close to another person. She did get sick (probably from DD1 despite my caution), but fortunately was okay. Any illness in a newborn is so scary and it is not worth the risk to me. If I needed to get out of the house I would mostly take a long walk with the baby.
pomelo / 5084 posts
@LAZB: Oh my god, I’m so terribly sorry to hear that. Our pediatrician said not until after shots as it was flu season and given that she is extremely* lax about 99% of things we thought we better take her advice, and we did. Hugs to you.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
3-4 days. I didn’t have much choice with DD2. A hurricane was coming and we needed supplies. I wore her through Costco and the grocery store at 4 days old.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@LAZB: I have often thought about you and your boy, especially during the newborn stage. He is remembered
persimmon / 1111 posts
I have just had this debate with my MIL. My view is by 3 or 4 days old they'll be in a wrap on walks outside. No human contact. I'll run to the grocery store if needed or to DS's school (again, baby on me) . By 3-4 weeks we will go out to eat (outside seating only). No family get togethers until 6-8 weeks.
We welcome healthy visitors and I breastfeed, so I'm not super worried. But I'm also not bringing a week old baby to church or a large family get together where people expect to hold him
grapefruit / 4466 posts
I haven't been anywhere yet with my almost 6 week old besides tons of walks around the neighborhood and the ped's office. But I'm sure the ped's office is the worst place I could possibly bring him. I use hand sanitizer a zillion times, don't touch the chairs in the waiting room, etc. If I had older kids I'd be much more concerned about the germs they bring home than him catching something airborne while being worn at starbucks or target, etc.
nectarine / 2243 posts
My first was an April baby and we were out for walks the first week. Close contact with others, confined spaces probably 4-6 weeks
My second was an end of year baby. It has been tough because it’s my second, my husband is never home and we have to leave the house often bc of my first. So I just sorta started taking him out immediately. Like 4 days old. Of course no close contact but we were on the subway at 10 days old. Just what it was. I’ve been paranoid bc of the flu, but really moreso what my older one is bringing home from pre k. It has been challenging. But no matter the time of year or what number kid, I get out of the house pretty early compared to others.
clementine / 935 posts
We were out and about within a week (it was summer). We kept her in her carseat or the Moby.
kiwi / 518 posts
@CatchAFallingStar: This is super relevant to me right now too with LO at 3 weeks! I think you'll get a variety of answers and I think they may also depend on whether it's the first child or second.
Our pediatrician recommended waiting till the 2 month shots. The hospital strongly recommended against exposing her to crowds, especially children, because RSV and the flu are so prevalent right now in MA. We've taken her outside on walks most days, and people have come to the house 1 or 2 at a time. I did pop into a bakery last week because my bladder was going to explode and I had her with me - put the cover on her carrier and hoped for the best. I think I would consider doing similar at other places that were mostly populated by adults and not too crowded, but I am very anxious about her getting sick because if she gets a fever before 6 weeks it apparently entails a full workup including blood and spinal fluid and I don't want to do that to her. It's a little disappointing - I had every intention of doing dinners out with DH while she was tiny and sleepy - but I've accepted that's a side effect of having a winter baby during flu season.
honeydew / 7463 posts
DS1 - born in sept so weather was still pretty nice. We took walks outdoors and sparingly to places like the drug store where he stayed in stroller (covered) or carrier. I definitely waited till after shots to really let him mingle with the general public. I’m in a major city though so it was easy to avoid taking him out.
DS2 is 2 weeks old now and I’m hesitant to take him anywhere besides necessary well visits (we take a taxi for that and I keep him in the car seat turned away from everyone or we walk him around outside until they call us in). Just because of this flu season. I’m so ready for nice weather though and to take him on walks. I feel bad that he’s stuck inside so much! Though I know he doesn’t have a clue he still just sleeps all day.
persimmon / 1130 posts
We went out fairly early with both. I know we were running errands with DD2 at 6 days old. But we have two summer birthdays as well.
persimmon / 1420 posts
My daughter came with me to (and got passed around at) a baby shower at 12 days old. It was December. I'm pretty lax, though.
persimmon / 1481 posts
I didn’t take her into a public building other that the doctor until after her two month vaccines. We went on walks and to the park as soon as I was able to postpartum.
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