I just went outside to the corner deli to pick up some last minute supplies. It's raining, and we can hear the wind blowing increasingly harder outside. We're definitely staying indoors until the storm subsides now!

We've filled our bathtub with water, have plenty of food, flashlights with batteries, and have recharged all our mobile devices. Olive is unfortunately sick and has a 103 fever, but she is feeling better after some advil. Everything is closed in ny so we're going to be indoors playing all day.

I just made some paleo pumpkin pancakes and they were delicious!!

Hopefully our electricity doesn't go out because that would really suck. 2 years ago there was a tornado and a 5 story tree fell on our apartment (Charlie came home with his nanny just minutes before!). Last year Hurrican Irene knocked a huge branch off a 5 foot story tree into our backyard (a different tree). So these storms are definitely serious!

Hope you are ready and safe whereever you are!