DS1 is 4.5 and aside from legos, I can't think of anything to get him for Christmas. I'm thinking maybe an educational tablet like a Leap Pad would be good for grandma to get him. What are you getting your 4-5 year old for Christmas?
DS1 is 4.5 and aside from legos, I can't think of anything to get him for Christmas. I'm thinking maybe an educational tablet like a Leap Pad would be good for grandma to get him. What are you getting your 4-5 year old for Christmas?
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
Last year our 5 year old got a few books and a ride on electric truck. I was shocked at how well he did with just getting one big thing as a combo birthday and Christmas present.
Oh, another thing he did get was a pop up indoor tent. It was a huge hit, he still uses it.
blogger / pomelo / 5400 posts
My 5-year-old DS is Pokemon obsessed, so probably some of that. I was also thinking maybe a marble run for a big gift he can share with little brother. Maybe a small robot of some kind. I also like the idea of the Osmo system but it's pricey.
nectarine / 2878 posts
DS1 is newly 4. We are still trying to come up with ideas but will getting him this STEM toy from Target-a lot of toys are 20% off right now:
bananas / 9227 posts
She's asking Santa for an interactive puppy. She wants Georgie. I'm kind of dreading it because some reviewers say the toy can't detect their children's voices and I don't want to be constantly bothered about a fake dog.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
I'm currently in a Usbourne party so I'm trying to hustle and finish my orders and get my almost 4 year old nephew some books.
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
Big gift is a doll house. We are getting her some little toys like Shopkins and a few dolls to go with the house. Also - legos.
apricot / 317 posts
Legos are a definite. I also bought him a kite (I know it's out of season, but it was something he really wanted). We are thinking of having an old laptop upgraded for him or getting him a small tablet (1st generation Kindle Fire), but haven't made a decision between that and ice skating lessons (for hockey).
persimmon / 1233 posts
A friend recommended Tubelox so I'm considering it - they're on sale at Zulily now but still very expensive. But seems like something that may last a long time.
pomelo / 5524 posts
Though we aren't getting him this for Christmas, my SIL bought our 4-year old a teepee. He and our 1 year old LOVE it. It's in our family room at the moment, but it's by far the most used "toy" we have.
pomelo / 5298 posts
@2PeasinaPod: I was considering a teepee for our 2 and 5 year old. I think they would love it as well. My issue is SPACE. Where to put such a thing.
cherry / 235 posts
DS1 got a leappad the Christmas that he was 4. Also Magformers and a race track (that was what he asked for from Santa)
pear / 1767 posts
My 4 year old has been loving playing with these that he got from his birthday (http://www.target.com/p/mindware-dig-it-up-dinosaur-eggs/-/A-50367809?sid=1924S&ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=&adgroup=&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=m&location=9021744&gclid=CK2I0b-AjdACFc9bhgodzeQLHw&gclsrc=aw.ds).
pear / 1881 posts
We are getting her Legos, perhaps a few puzzles, a few animals for her farm set (she loves to play with her farm), a rock/mineral project kit (she LOVES rocks), and I'm not sure what else we will do. I don't think that we will do a large gift this year.
My mom got her a purple unicorn on a stick (like a ride on thing - she really wanted this) and a pretend school set:
grapefruit / 4278 posts
We're going to turn his train table into a lego table and he's getting this imaginext superhero playset. http://www.target.com/p/fisher-price-imaginext-dc-super-friends-super-hero-flight-city-playset/-/A-50768560
pomelo / 5524 posts
@MamaG: Space is totally an issue. I'm not even going to lie. It takes up a lot of room. The nice thing about the teepee is that we can fold it up and put it by our big window when the kiddos go to bed so we don't have to have it up at all times, but still annoyingly big.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
I have a set of construction vehicles/car transporter things. That's it so far. We're thinking about building him a reversible train/lego table.
pear / 1837 posts
I've got about 10 books for her so far and she's circling what she wants in the Target toy ad. Will pick something from there to be from Santa. Will probably throw in some Legos cause she is really into them, just worry about my 1 year old putting them in her mouth.
pear / 1961 posts
I haven't actually done the shopping yet, but on her list I have a sleeping bag (family camping trips next summer!), some headphones to use when flying, memberships to the zoo/etc, and one of those monthly subscriptions that is part learning/part fun (she loves getting mail...plus this way the toys are kinda spread out over the year?). She also randomly wants a fishing pole and some roller blades...
cherry / 108 posts
I just ordered the Osmo kit for my 3 year old. My friends 4 1/2 year old loves it!
I also got her 1 year membership to the zoo, a book and will probably get her some leggings/shirts because she'll need to move up one size soon.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
I think the osmo kit may be our big santa gift.
Early stage 1 reader books
New winter boots
Climbing passes to the zip line
Maybe some doll clothes or dress up clothes
grapefruit / 4321 posts
My LO turns four in 2 weeks. For her bday we're doing a dress up station. For Christmas her big gift is a ride on car. Haven't decided which one yet but leaning towards the Range Rover (if mama can't have one at least she can ). Other smaller gifts are Usborne Books, a purse, and some games.
pomegranate / 3768 posts
@T.H.O.U.: what kind of Early stage 1 reader books did you get? I want to get some for DD too!
pomegranate / 3350 posts
He has been asking for games. He specifically wants Connect 4 and I am thinking about the Sneaky Snacky Squirrel. He is also asking for a steam roller truck and maybe a Paw Patrol toy too because he is newly into it and we don't have anything. I am also looking for some longer picture books and some Stage 1 readers.
ETA: The Hess truck too. My dad gives them to my kids and my nephews and they are always a huge hit. My nephew is 6.5 and still getting one this year.
coconut / 8861 posts
He wants play doh toys and some other stuff he's seen on Amazon. He gets Amazon videos aka commercials before potty time during our bedtime routine. Both my husband and I have lists set up that we add to. He also really wants a remote control BB-8. We've told him that his grandparents will get that for him. He's beginning to understand wanting big things for Christmas or birthdays.
apricot / 431 posts
My 4 year old nephew only talks about this. They are impossible to find, so we have everyone we know searching, ha. (Thanks @anya )
pomelo / 5628 posts
Dylan got the Vtech smart watch for his birthday and loves it! It takes pictures, audio, has watch faces, timers, has a little guy that runs when you run. I wanted to hate it but I kinda like it.
nectarine / 2210 posts
Not that I have a 4-year-old yet, but what about playmobil sets. I know I uses to love them growing up, and I've bought them as gifts for my nephew before.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@winniebee: also, which leap pad? Been thinking about those instead of the iPad.
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
@hellobeeboston: My husband is trying to convince me to get that for our son too, but I am not there yet! Yesterday was the first I'd seen it. Have you seen it in person?
eggplant / 11824 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: That sounds so cool. LO *loves* taking pictures with my phone so I was thinking about getting her her own camera or something like that, but a watch with a camera might be even better....
honeydew / 7235 posts
@looch: no I haven't. I'd like to if possible. It has good reviews! I'm hoping for some sales on Black Friday or cyber Monday too. And yeah, my husband wants it as much as our son. Haha
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6703 posts
My girl turns 4 on Christmas Eve. So far, I have some princess puzzles for her, and made her sinew butterfly wings. I also want to get her some new books and make her a dress up trunk for the dresses she already has.
nectarine / 2085 posts
Last year (5), we gave him Legos and the illustrated Harry Potter. This year the Lego catalog arrived and my husband handed it to him pretty much straight out of the mailbox (!), and he promptly decided that his life will be incomplete without one particular plane set, so I found it on sale and that's what he'll get. We already added the new HP to our bookshelves, but I'll probably buy a few other books I want to get and that will be it.
squash / 13199 posts
@winniebee: DD is really interested in the calico critter family of toys. I loved these growing up although they used to be called sylvanian families so I'm excited that she likes this sort of toy and cant wait to buy it for her.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@looch: OK, so after some more research and speaking to some co-workers who were more familiar - it sounds like the pieces & parts on this are very delicate. there is a metal rod on the cars that powers it around the track, so they cannot be played with... also the tracks are more delicately put together.... SO, since we have a 13 month old, who will definitely want to crash into this and play with the cars, i'm now leaning towards a hot wheels style set up that is more sturdy and the cars are easier to replace, and can be played with.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
I really want to get DS this book:https://www.amazon.com/Good-Morning-City-Pat-Kiernan/dp/0374303460
If DH lets me, that is... he gets so upset when I get anything for the kids, because we have no room and other people keep getting them stuff.
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
DS really wants a certain lego so he's getting that and not sure what else. An iPad would be so nice, especially since his school is asking for kids to work on certain educational apps at home. But, they are so expensive and it feels like they don't last as long as they should for the price (like you can't update the software anymore after a couple of years )
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