Hellobee Boards


What are your current family plans?

  1. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    We have two and we are done. We always entertained the idea of 3 but I'm ok with just two

  2. FliegepilzHut

    pomegranate / 3533 posts

    Hoping to have 1, adopt 1.

  3. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @autumnlove: WHAT!!!!!!! You stinker. That was very sneaky, lol. CONGRATS!

  4. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    We have 3 and are totally done!

  5. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @lilteacherbee: okay, that's it--I've been gone from HB too long. CONGRATS!!!!!

  6. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @autumnlove: permanent bc?! I'd always envision you with 4!

    @HLK208: haha yeah I was like way to sneak that in!!

    We have two now and pretty solid on having a third. DH really wants a third. we would like DD 1 to be in kinder before a third arrives so there's only 2 in daycare. But I also want all 3 to be close in age. Right now 1 & 2 are 28m apart. So we'll see!

  7. pui

    bananas / 9899 posts

    I have one LO and I hope to have at least 2 more.

  8. lady baltimore

    persimmon / 1196 posts

    We are trying for #1, and then we'll see how it goes. DH likes to say firmly one and done, but I'm not comfortable deciding about a second child before we have a first.

  9. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    We have 2 and are done.

  10. photojane

    cantaloupe / 6164 posts

    @HLK208: Right?! So sneaky!

    @autumnlove: YAY! I am SO HAPPY for you!

  11. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    We have one and will have a2nd but not gonna try till DD is one so probably 2016 earliest

  12. LittlePinkHouses

    coffee bean / 27 posts

    We have a 13 month old DD and hope for one more. Will probably start TTC around April or so.

  13. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    I'm pregnant with our second and don't know if I could face a third pregnancy, I get extreme pregnancy sickness.

    We also have my age, a move back across the ocean and me wanting to retrain to consider. So my ideal is three kids but it's looking like two and done.

  14. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @Anagram: Congratulations!!!

  15. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    I want 2, one of each would be nice.

    Twins or a singleton for our FET would be nice. I think even triplets would be (scarily) welcomed. Need to get pregnant first.

    As for second pregnancies, can't think that far yet.

  16. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    We want 2 kids.

    Our DS is 17 months and we will be ttc for #2 in another month or two. I was pregnant a couple months ago and they would have been exactly 2 years apart, but unfortunately that pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

  17. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts


    We were planning on 2, maybe 3. I possibly wanted 4. But after a second awful and complicated pregnancy, I am done being pregnant.

    We are going to stick with two for now and have discussed possibly being a foster home for short term placements later in our parenting journey.

  18. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    We will most likely stop at 2, but are leaving the possibility open for a 3rd.

  19. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    We're TTC #2. I'm back in school, which would make things a little difficult, but I can always opt for academic leave. But it took awhile the first time around, so I might be able to finish my program. We'll see ... regardless, trying for another is more important. to 2015 hopeful mamas!

  20. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    We want two or three, but #1 is only 3 months old.

  21. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    Late to this thread, but we have 3 already (two from a previous relationship). So, if I biologically had any more we would have one.

    I'm still very undecided. 4 is a lot of children. A lot of things would need to change before we considered another. I *think* I would like another, but not soon. Maybe in a few years when L is in pre-school or something.

    I'm not a big fan of babies so I want to completely forget what it's like before I dive in again. LOL.

  22. LML

    cherry / 129 posts

    We have two, and I would like two more. I'd actually be ok with three more, but DH is not on board with that and time isn't exactly on our side. Twins would be ok with me! I want to start TTC #3 after DS turns one in May. Fingers crossed I can convince DH to start that soon. He wants to wait til DD is fully potty trained. I'm working on that too, just to cover all of my bases!

  23. CakeLady

    pear / 1657 posts

    Our plan was, and still is, to have one and see how it goes before we decide about more. DS is 7 mo now and we are definitely not ready to think about more. I think we'd be happy with one.

  24. stiletto_mom

    persimmon / 1183 posts

    Plan-wise, I should've been preggo by now. =(

    We plan on having one, and one more when we're around mid thirties.

  25. Amelieisme

    persimmon / 1361 posts

    We have 2. I think we are done. I hate pregnancy and I'm not a big fan of the baby phase, but we haven't done anything permanent yet...just in case!

  26. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    One and done, most likely. But, I'm 27 and who knows where the wind will blow my biological desires in the next several years.


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