... But he needs me to do it.

My 8 month old is completely obsessed with standing up, holding onto people's fingers and walking. Obsessed. He used to be fine just standing up but now he must be walking to be completely happy. He'll sit and play with his toys for a few minutes and he started crawling last weekend so he'll crawl to things that he wants but, especially when he gets tired and fussy, he'll whine or cry until we stand him up and walk him around the house.

It's exhausting. Plus you can't really get anything else done when you're walking a baby around the house all day. It also kind of frightens me that he's already essentially throwing a fit when we don't do it. He's normally a very happy baby and when he's standing up and walking, even when fussy, he's all smiles and giggles.

Is there anything I can or should do about it or should I just keep indulging him every time he wants to take a stroll? Lol