I put R to bed 3 hours ago and she isn't asleep. When I was rocking her she just seemed like she couldn't get comfy. I gave her Tylenol cause she is teething after an hour. I sat next to her in the crib and patted her back. I tried putting her in our bed but she kept wanting to get up. Finally let her walk around for a while. She is so tired she didn't even want to play. Just was standing around. DH got home, and she pooped, so we put her back in the crib. She keeps going from laying down and looking like she is asleep and then rolling around and crying.
You can look at her and see she is tired. Rubbing her eyes, which is her sleepy cue. She is so over tired cause she is transitioning to one nap at day care but napped the best yet today. But did take a cat nap on the way home. But usually those don't mess with her sleep this much.
I don't know what to do.......