Hellobee Boards


What do you miss most about your life pre-baby?

  1. keiki_mama

    nectarine / 2504 posts

    Sleep, being able to make plans that don't revolve around the baby, going somewhere at the drop of a hat, silence, going out to dinner, heck just going out in general!

  2. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    Sleep! Being able to shower anytime I wanted. Taking time to enjoy a meal. Sleep ...

  3. erwoo

    pomegranate / 3053 posts

    Sleeping in, sleeping w/o a monitor, taking a shower in the morning, eating quietly, watching my favorite shows uninterrupted, going out w/o having to worry when I have to feed my LO next, having an organized house, shopping for myself, watching movies in the theaters when they first come out, eating a nice restaurants (which we can still do but it's not as relaxing), leaving the house quickly, etc. There many more that I can't think of right now.

    BUT I do love hanging out with both of my boys and being a mommy. Nothing can replace the time we share every day. I will be able to do all the things mentioned above again, just not anytime soon!

  4. junebugmama

    nectarine / 2019 posts

    Loud uninterrupted sex. Truth.

  5. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    @junebugmama: haha!

    I miss going to the gym without worrying about child care, working, going shopping in peace. I really am not missing out on sleep. If I could sleep in once in awhile, I'd be happy though.

  6. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    Sleep! I miss sleep SO much. And having time for myself. Most days I don't even have time to do my makeup and the hair ends up in a ponytail- I was always very put together before having a baby.


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