Hellobee Boards


What do you think about children on leashes?

  1. banana

    coconut / 8299 posts

    I used to be kinda judgey about them before I had a child. Now, I can TOTALLY see why parents would use them. My son doesn't have stranger anxiety and would totally run off if I wasn't watching him like a hawk. I would definitely consider using one in crowded areas like amusement parks, airports, etc. I wouldn't even care if other parents would judge me at that point because the safety of my LO is #1. If that's what it takes to keep him safe, thats' what it takes. I can't hold him up because I'm 20 weeks pregnant and he doesn't like his stroller. So I really don't know how else I would keep him at arm's distance. Even if I hold his hand, he pulls it away from me and then starts bolting! I say you do what you gotta do to keep your child safe!


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