DH and I are debating...so I was wondering...
If you didn't have to worry about childcare, work, finances etc...what would be the IDEAL spacing between children?
DH and I are debating...so I was wondering...
If you didn't have to worry about childcare, work, finances etc...what would be the IDEAL spacing between children?
141 votes
pomegranate / 3565 posts
I voted 2 years. My 1st two are 20 months apart and there will be exactly 2 years between #2 and #3. It can be hard but I didn't want to get out of the baby phase and start all over.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
I needed time after pregnancy and bfing for a year the first time. But this time of we ever decide on going ahead w baby 3 i want to be pregnant before ds2 is 1. We love the 2.5 gap and I def wasn't ready mentally before then. But now I want a smaller gap if we decide to have a third.
pomegranate / 3401 posts
Right now we have a 2.5 year gap between one and two....if we go for three I want closer to a two year gap....just so I can be done!
nectarine / 2797 posts
I used to think three years but now that I have a three year old I'm glad I don't have a newborn. I voted 4 because everyone tells me 4 is easier. I hope they are right, LO2 is due a few months before her 4th bday.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
We have a two year gap that I was just telling DH this morning how much we liked it
pineapple / 12566 posts
I would say between 2.5-3 years. My 2 are almost my exactly 3 years apart and it is perfect for us.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
3 years. My older LO is going to be old enough to be pretty independent when LO2 comes. And I never wanted to have two in diapers.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
I voted 1.5 years but I think just under 2 is good. At that point the older one is no longer fully a baby but not old enough to really remember a time before the younger sibling or to be too jealous. Plus they can play together and do a lot of the same activities, have the same friends, etc. You are also close enough to the baby stag that it's not a huge shocker to go through it again. My boys are 20 months apart and it's really great. I would have liked to have a third with similar spacing but I hated having a newborn in the summer so we will wait a little longer and home a 2+ year gap is good too!
@Mamasig: omg did I miss an announcement?!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
Haven't experienced it yet, but we always thought 2.5-3 years would be perfect. Ours will be just under 2.5 years apart and I can't imagine them being closer- though I can now appreciate the appeal of being pregnant while the older is still immobile- chasing a toddler while pregnant is no joke.
The downside with our timing is I always thought 2.5 seemed like a good age for potty training. Now I have to decide to do it earlier than expected or wait several months later. But I do really hope they have a close relationship beinh close in age.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
Mine will be almost 3.5 years apart, and I'm pretty stoked about it. I like that E is nearly potty-trained, he seems to get the idea that he's having a baby sister (and is pretty excited about it, he talks about her all the time and likes to listen to her heartbeat). He'll be able to help us feed her and help me change her, and he already sings to her. Financially speaking, we'll have little overlap with daycare costs. And honestly, I wasn't ready for a second for a long time.
However, if we were having 3+ I would probably have wanted them closer together (but no closer than 2 years).
bananas / 9357 posts
2.5-3 years would be perfect. My 2 are 22 months apart, and I feel like it was tough. I could see now that my son is almost 3, how it would have been a bit easier to have a newborn now compared to a year ago when baby sis was born. Although seeing how close they are is a definite plus. They play together a lot and that's really nice.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
I think closer to 2 years would have been nice but we're ending up with 3, which is pretty good too. I think too much under 2 years seems a little rushed for me.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@2littlepumpkins: My thoughts too. Especially since we are probably only having 2, I don't want to rush it and really want to savor their babyhood. DH prefers 3 years and I prefer 2...I have a sibling 2 years and 3 years a part and we are equally close
pomegranate / 3565 posts
@skipra: yes! Just found out - another May baby due about a week after DS2's birthday.
pomelo / 5093 posts
I wanted 2, but ended up with 4 due to infertility. I worry that they won't be as close as they might have been, but otherwise it is absolute heaven. My oldest is old enough to be helpful, old enough that I don't need to worry about her around the baby generally, and she absolutely loves her sister.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@simplyfelicity: savoring the babyhood is a good point! I feel like I practically missed everything in the first trimester because I felt so crappy and I wasn't able to enjoy her. It happens with any spacing but I'm glad she wasn't tiny.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Foodnerd81: I think I am leaning toward 3...my sister had two of her kids 15 months a part and she feels like she missed out on a lot. I can totally see that they.will be super close once they aren't so competitive with each other.
pineapple / 12793 posts
I really liked 23 months and would have aimed for that again had nature not had another plan.
Please vote for one year someone. Next year is going to be so hard.
grapefruit / 4066 posts
I can't really vote yet bc my second isn't here yet, but I think anywhere from 2.5-3.5 is an ideal time. Mine will be 2 months shy of 3 years apart. My LO is independent, sleeping good, can communicate with me, and will be able to "help" out with the baby. Mentally and physically, I do not think I could have done anything under a 2 year gap.
nectarine / 2115 posts
Ours will be 20 months apart. If I did t have to take certain things into consideration, though, I think 3 years would be perfect.
persimmon / 1179 posts
I voted 2.5 years. Ours are 2 years apart and that extra 6 months would have been handy to get LO1 potty trained first.
pomelo / 5660 posts
DS and DD- 2.5 years. This has been an awesome gap!
DD and LO3- 17 months.. This is not ideal I would have preferred more time with DD as the baby.. Making the best of it though!
bananas / 9973 posts
We have almost exactly 2.5 years apart right now, and it's so new still, but happy with how mature and able we are to communicate and reason with LO1 now. The past couple of months have shown a lot of growth with her, so I think that made a big difference! DH would have preferred 4 years apart for financial reasons for schooling.
papaya / 10343 posts
I said 3.5 years because I'm undecided about 3-4 years. I don't thrive in chaos. At all. And I think a toddler + newborn sounds like chaos. I'm less concerned about "starting over" and more concerned about not hating life when/if we have #2. Not that people who have 2 under 2 hate life... but I think they are better/more patient people than I am lol. I want #1 to be old enough to pretty consistently tell me what she wants, understand quiet time, understand and be excited about a baby, and be beyond the "oh shit I can't not watch her for literally 30 seconds or she'll catapult herself over the back of the couch" phase.
eggplant / 11716 posts
I dont really believe in ideal spacing, haha. But i like the 2 year spacing i have now because my 2 year old still naps 2 hours a day, giving me some time to chill w the baby. If she were older, i would never get the double nap.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
Ours are 20 months apart and I love it. She's almost 4 months and he loves her so damn much, it just makes my heart happy.
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@Anagram: yes good point,I've got a double nap going on right now and I love just being able to stop for a bit.
@mrsrain: ours are 20 months apart and I love it!
@oliviaoblivia: there's a blog called double the fun and she hasn't blogged in a while but she has Irish twins and makes it look like so much fun. They actually have the same birthday, they're 3/4 now but she blogged a lot when they were younger
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
There's no such thing as ideal spacing in my opinion. Mine are 13 months apart and frankly it's been AWESOME which I never thought would be ideal. I also know people who have had a three year (or more) gap and that has been great for them, too. And I also know people who have had all sorts of other gaps and it's been tough for various reasons. I think personalities and situations really play a part into whether something is ideal or not and when you being a new life into the world you're not really going to know how it's going to play out for a bit.
We're going to TTC in November so if that were to work out my 2nd and 3rd would be 25 months apart -- I'm really interested to see what that gap would be like since the other gap is a full year sooner.
blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts
Our kids will be 25 months apart, and I think it will be pretty ideal. I'd have liked them to be a bit further apart, so that K was potty trained- so maybe 2.5 years?
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I don't think there is an optimal time. Everyone's situation is different. You have to choose what is best for your family. For DH and I, we need a bigger gap. We need more of a break from a baby. Our marriage is too important to have thrown another in the mix. I am ready now and DH wants another 9 months(to TTC).
pomegranate / 3393 posts
I agree everyone's situation is different. I voted 3.5 years. My OB said it would take 1-2 years for my body to recover and replenish for a second pregnancy, especially with breastfeeding thrown into the mix. Plus I just couldn't deal with 2 with one a young toddler. I like the idea of spending lots of one on one time with each kid, giving undivided attention to a baby while the older kid is in preschool or pre-k or something. Sometimes I look at my 2 year old and the thought of dividing my time breaks my heart. So I guess I'm not mentally there yet, lol!
kiwi / 557 posts
Most people recommended 2.5-3 years to me. I had always thought 2-3 would be good (not sure what I was basing it on). DS will be 2.5 when DD arrives in November so I'm hoping for the best. What I can say is DS has become so much more independent and helpful in the past few months since turning 2, I can only imagine that helping once baby is here.
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