... and how old are they?

I think my baby does pretty well.
She is 3 months old and 1 week (she will be 14 weeks tomorrow.)
and she has been sleeping about the same for the past week or so. She usually is asleep anywhere from 930pm to 10pm.. around 3am she starts wining in her sleep but since she is in her bassinet still next to the bed I reach out and stick her pacifier in her mouth and she will not wake up until 5-5:30am for a feeding and she falls back asleep. I get up at 6am to start getting ready for work and my husband and I have to wake her up at 645ish to get her ready to go in her car seat for the babysitters house. The baby sitter says she usually falls back asleep from 8:30am to 9:30am.

I am wondering if I can push the time I put her to bed a little earlier.. Ideally 8-8:30pm would be great but that might mean she will wake earlier to eat in the early a.m and I'm not sure if its worth it in that sense.
so generally -

930-10pm - out for the night
3am - whiny, stick pacifier in mouth
5-5:30am- whiny, feed her about 4oz
6:45am - we wake her.