Hellobee Boards


What have you heard lately...

  1. LovelyPlum

    eggplant / 11408 posts

    @LuLu Mom: ???? who SAYS that?

  2. Boheme

    papaya / 10473 posts

    "Oh, you just wait! You'll want another one!" or "Don't you think you're depriving him by not giving him a sibling?" or "Its so selfish to have only one."
    Uhh...nope. Pretty firmly in the one and done camp.

  3. meganmp

    persimmon / 1420 posts

    I ALWAYS get the "When are you having number 3?" comment. I resorted to responding with, "When you give us the $25,000 we need to conceive them!"

    Shuts 'em up right away, and I don't care how uncomfortable it makes them.

  4. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    Anything my father in law says. LO is 4 days old and he keeps throwing an "I know everything about babies you have no idea" attitude at me.

  5. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    These aren't recent but my three worst ever:

    My mom when I was 5 months pregnant: "you're going to look like that [with a belly] whenever you eat for the rest of your life."

    Old man at gym pool when I was working out "if you stand up and turn around I can tell you what you are having." I refused but left a little later. He then told my husband "girl because her hips are wide like a filly's."

    MIL, when I had already gained 30 some pounds by 8 months "I never gained more than 24lbs with any of mine."


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