pomegranate / 3003 posts
Financially and logistically, two is probably best. I'd love another, and maybe even one after that, but my daughter completes me. Subsequent children would be just lovely, but are not a necessity for our family's happiness, if that makes sense.
grapefruit / 4110 posts
$$ Infertility treatments are expensive. And we are moving to a more expensive cost of living location (with some fantastic trade offs) so a 3 bedroom house is significantly more than a 2 bedroom.
blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts
Financial, My three boys already can pack away more food than me I am a little scared of the teenage years and feeding them. Lilly isn't too far behind so feeding four teenagers is going to be tough.
watermelon / 14206 posts
Desire. And physical health. I'm not sure I can handle another pregnancy. I guess finances too because we would adipt if we could afford it.
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
Mental health! I am alone all week with the kids. I can't do more than 2!
hostess / eggplant / 11068 posts
We're two and through.
- Don't want to be outnumbered
- I have been blessed with two healthy kids
- My life is soooooo full
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
@lawbee11: @Elderberrygin: Yeah, I thought having one (and enjoying her!) would make me want more, but surprisingly, the more fun she is, the more I just want to have one. Weird!
GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts
Selfishness? Lol. I dont want to deal with more children. Plus the cost
persimmon / 1458 posts
Our sanity and time. Ideally my husband would like 4 children which I have never even thought of but he is 40 and I'm 35 and we will be having our second in a few weeks. I think we'll have 3. We'll have 2 boys and maybe be lucky to add a little girl.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
We want 2, maybe 3. Will stop at 2 if I am on bed rest fort second pregnancy again.
blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts
Im an only child. All my life I dreamed of a large home with chaos and noise. I wanted to have nine kids at one point Clearly I was brought down to reality as I got older. I am open to 4-5 kids, I want to adopt but dont know if it will happen but I want a large family. DH was adamant for a long time on only wanting 2, I wouldnt budge on at least 3. He got on board and we have planned our lives around the idea of 3, 4 bedroom house, bigger car to seat 3 carseats etc. I know 3 is a far cry from 9 or even 5 but Im ok with 3 so 3 it is. I think age wise and money wise this is about where we can manage and be happy still.
On a side note I also knew I wanted more than 2 because 2 of my cousins passed away young, one was 11 when a car struck her in her neighborhood and one was 21 and was sick with a rare disease. Both of their siblings (my other cousins) were left as only children all of a sudden at much later stages in their lives. I felt so bad for them to all of a sudden be alone and not have the sibling they knew all their lives gone like that. I dont want to imagine something happening to any of my children but these experiences also are the reason I just want to have more than 2 just in case.
blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts
@Rocker2014: Tell your husband coming from an only child the grass isnt always greener. As an only you get all the attention, good or bad. Every mistake, bad grade, accident in the house its on you. No one to share or attempt to shift the blame on. Its also very lonely on rainy days or vacations when there is no one to play with. I always wanted a big family, we all want what we dont have I guess
grapefruit / 4649 posts
We want 2 with the slight possibility of 3. I have been a nanny for a long time and the dynamic I have always enjoyed the most is with two kids, I am very grateful to have had the chance to "test drive" several options and I think it is probably what we will stick with. I also feel like a family of four is the most practical, four fits in almost all cars, things come in even numbers, hotels usually fit four people etc. Growing up in a bigger family it felt like we were constantly trying to find ways to accommodate our larger group.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
Infertility. In the beginning we imagined having 3 kids. That definitely won't be happening now. We have two embryos left. From them we may have twins, or one, or none. I'll be happy just to have one now. If neither of the embryos take we will adopt one.
pomegranate / 3759 posts
@Mrs. Chocolate: Weird. I feel the same way with having two. Sucks so much for your cousins and families
honeydew / 7917 posts
Two and through. I can't handle more than two kids, and my mental health would suffer greatly. Another reason is that I don't want to be pregnant again and deal with doctors. I had bad experiences both times, and I know I would have to face maternal fetal again over GD.
persimmon / 1447 posts
Desire. I always wanted 2, and now that I have 2 I just don't feel like we're done. So after we PCS next summer we will start trying for #3. I imagine we will be done then.
persimmon / 1367 posts
@Mrs.Chocolate:Fortunately, I currently have 14 nieces and nephews, with more on the way, so our only won't be lonely!
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
@mrs chocolate, that's a factor for us. When I was 22, my 19 yo brother passed away. It's no guarantee my kids are friends, but I can't help but still want more than 2. I suppose like everything in our lives, our experiences color our future.
grapefruit / 4819 posts
Logistics and practicality are our main reasons. We're going to be travelling internationally a lot (between DH and I, we have immediate family on three continents) and doing it with two children as opposed to three, is just so much more feasible.
Really though, we'd love to have three kids so we may just go for a third in a few years time anyway and adapt as best we can.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
@Rocker2014: I can totally empathize. I was one of 7 (although 3 of them were step, but from an early age), and I got the least amount of attention (my siblings had...problems). It definitely impacted my decisions about family planning.
Right now we're between 1-2. I think I would (someday) like a second LO. D is increasingly open to it, but it's not his first choice. For us the driving forces are money and attention. We can give E a decent life, financially, and he can be the center of our world. Having a second could impact everything from how much we pay for college to how much attention we can give each (something I didn't have) to what sort of vacations we take to...etc etc. I know those aren't so important to everyone, but they are to us.
pomelo / 5621 posts
We are in the fence. We always wanted two but right now are loving being a family of three.
I'd really like DS to have a sibling though. We will reevaluate next year and hopefully by then we will have gotten some sleep.
apricot / 435 posts
Age! We didn't meet until later in life, so I'm having my first at 36! We both grew up with siblings, and would love for our LO to have a brother or sister, but the timing might not work out. As it is, we're going to have to go into Irish twin territory to make the spacing work out.
But if we end up being one and done for whatever reason, I think we'll be fine with that. I'm still in such disbelief that we're actually pregnant, and feel like even one LO is just such an incredible gift, when we both had just about resigned ourselves to being single and childless forever!
persimmon / 1304 posts
Money. I would love 4 kids but I don't think that will ever be a wise decision financially. Also, I love my career too much to be able to handle 4.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
Desire. We don't feel the burning need to have more than one.
Marital happiness. We're happy now, but I'm not sure we would be if we added more children and responsibility, and therefore had less time for one another.
Personal goals. There are things we want to do that wouldn't be as attainable if we had more children.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
Desire. We want at least 2 and an option for #3. We'll see how it plays out!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I'm more 2 and through, DH is more 2 with the option of a 3rd.
I'm most worried about space, financials, & putting my body through 3 c-sections which is why I would be thrilled with 2. DH wuold really like to try for a boy (if #2 is a boy I think we would be done, but if we have a 2nd girl he would like to go for #3, I would for sure by tying those tubes up after 3 no matter what!)
honeydew / 7303 posts
Desire. We will have as many as we want, but I'm leaning toward 3 and so is dh. I have one sibling and he is one of 4. 3 seems like a good fit for us.
cantaloupe / 6869 posts
Finances. We're planning on two with an option for a third depending on how we feel financially. My parents couldn't afford the number of children they had and it was tough growing up. I don't want to do the same to my kids.
eggplant / 11408 posts
@Ms.Pumpkin: so happy for you! I agree, I'd love a bigger family, but if I can only have one, then I'm so grateful that I just get that!
olive / 50 posts
3. I come from a family of 3 kids and we're all great friends. 3 is the most I can have while still fitting in a standard sedan. I've never wanted an only child and my first is so cute it'd be a shame not to have more!
honeydew / 7667 posts
Desire and time. DH was in the two camp but I think he is now in the one and done camp. I have a demanding job and don't feel like I have time to be a good mom to multiple children.
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
We always wanted two so they would have a sibling. We could have had three (I was a couple weeks from turning 32 before Olive was born). But we both agree three is too hard!
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Time. We want LO to have a sibling but we would feel too stressed/drained/busy after two.
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