We currently have a 2 door coupe and a small sedan, and definitely want to get a SUV (CRV or Rav4 sized) for our next car to replace my sedan. I was thinking we would replace his car with a small wagon like the Subaru Impreza, that way we would have two good sized cars for transporting our big 100 pound dog and to haul stuff home from Home Depot. But I just found out a coworker is trying to sell his hatchback RSX for pretty cheap since he just wants to get rid of it. Would replacing his car with another small coupe, making my car the only 'family' car be a really bad idea? We dont have kids yet, but will be trying soon. Do kids *really* take up that much space? Is it even possible to get in and out of a coupe with a kid for those few times that my car may be in the shop?