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What makes having a baby so expensive?

  1. ktgee04

    cherry / 142 posts

    @Mrs. Bee: This is what I am worried about. I'm slowly accumulating baby gear and think I may have officially gone overboard but again, like you said, as a first-time I think I need it all! Does a LO really need a rock 'n play/pack 'n play/swing/bouncer? Probably not!

  2. Bluebonnet

    persimmon / 1427 posts

    The hidden costs depend on your baby. If you have a fussy/colicky baby you might be so sleep deprived and desperate for a calm baby that you buy multiple contraptions to help your baby rest comfortably/sleep. Your baby may hate the swing/bottles/bouncer/etc that you have and you'll need to buy something else. Your baby might have acid reflux and need medicine or prescription formula. Your baby might be clingy and need to be held all the time so you need a wrap or sling that you didn't anticipate purchasing.

    I haven't been a parent for long, but I do know that it never goes as you expect.

  3. skibobrown

    pomegranate / 3388 posts

    Daycare is #1. Also, as others have said, things don't always go according to plan. We planned to breastfeed, but that didn't work out, so now we're paying $$ for formula. I've also been suckered into buying all kinds of contraptions that I really thought would make our life easier. Some pan out, and some don't. Additionally, I found that caring for an infant was a lot harder than I had imagined, so we ended up spending a fair amount of money hiring postpartum doulas, housecleaners, and other household help. We also paid for a few sessions with a lactation consultant to try to work out my breastfeeding issues. These unexpected costs add up quickly!

  4. chopsuey

    hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts

    We haven't made too many unnecessary purchases so having a baby hasn't been too expensive for us. I nursed exclusively, made her food..
    The only real expense are diapers and wipes. I plan on potty training soon though!


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