I'd say that a little more than 1/2 of my friends are really interested in my kids: they ask about them, and press for details, etc. Most of these people have kids, but a few don't but just really love kids. I've been surprised by who fit in this category over the years: two of my close guy friends just really love kids and couldn't wait to start a family, and asked about my kids all the time (they've since started their own families).

Then maybe 1/4 are sorta interested: they'll ask about them, but they don't want to hear the whole rundown on how they're doing. So if they ask, I'll say something like, "Oh my son is doing well, he's in Kindergarten now, time flies, etc." Then we move onto another topic. A lot of my business friends fall into this category.

Then I have a few friends who don't want to hear at all about my kids (or anyone else's), so I never bring them up. We just talk about other things, which is fine with me.

What percentage of your friends are interested in your kids?