My daughter is a Libra! Here's what Google says about people born on her birthdate:

<< If you are born on this date, you may not be so willing to compromise. The zodiac sign for this birthday is Libra – The Scales. You are spiritual beings and are wise. You are responsible but like having fun. >>

Haha that's true, she doesn't like to compromise! She's extremely responsible but always ready to have fun and smile.

Here's my son's zodiac:

<< If you are born on this date, you possess an analytical way of thinking but generally, you have a great sense of humor. You are certainly a creative person especially when it comes to hiding your feelings. Your family and friends find your enthusiasm refreshing.

You will generally be a steadfast, cheerful and likeable person. >>

Wow that's pretty accurate - he's very analytical and funny! But he doesn't really hide his feelings... it's more like the exact opposite, where they explode out of him now and then!

What sign of the zodiac are your kids? Do they match the personality of their signs?