With my c-section, the hardest part of recovery was actually the really bad carpal tunnel I developed in my third trimester. My stomach pain was pretty well controlled with percocet, but it took at least 4 weeks until I started feeling like myself.
With my VBAC, I am so sore down there and constantly feel like I have to take the biggest dump on earth. Maybe it's the hemorrhoids? I just feel soooooo uncomfortable. Pain killers and Dermoplast don't really do anything for me. Using a spray bottle helps momentarily (will use a sitz bath when I finally get home). I have no regrets about the VBAC, but as of now I think the recovery has been worse than it was with the c section in terms of generally being uncomfortable all day long. I know the extended hospital stay is taking its toll, but I'm having trouble just sitting for any period of time.
What was the hardest part of recovery for you?