Not pregnant or TTC, but I have several close friends who are TTC or just announced pregnancies and it got me thinking....

I'm not really sure why/if I would wait 12+ weeks to tell family, friends and co-workers about my pregnancy. I know the reason is that the risk of miscarriage decreases significantly after this point, but I don't really understand why it's so taboo to tell people you're pregnant and then have to tell them you miscarried. Miscarriage happens so often and it's a natural part of life, and I don't understand why such great lengths are taken to keep it hidden.

I guess what it comes down to is that I have so much love and support from my family, friends, and even coworkers in my life, I couldn't imagine not having that love and support through my entire pregnancy, including anything bad that might happen along the way. I don't want to hide being nauseous, or why I'm not drinking, or sneak off to Dr. appointments. I especially don't want to have to mask the pain (physically and emotionally) of a miscarriage.

Of course, to each their own. Some people are just more private and/or more traditional and I understand that. But I'm just looking for some other perspectives on this...