Curious when did you announce to work and publicly with your #2+ baby.
I held out for a while with DS1, but already showing over here at 8w and I find it obnoxious to keep trying to hide.
Curious when did you announce to work and publicly with your #2+ baby.
I held out for a while with DS1, but already showing over here at 8w and I find it obnoxious to keep trying to hide.
nectarine / 2784 posts
Also later than my first. 13/14 weeks family, 20 weeks friends, 30ish weeks work. I work from home though, if I still worked in the office I probably would have told people around 20 weeks.
pomegranate / 3895 posts
I told most later than I did with #1. Some friends (and family) were told earlier due to doing the NIPT vs the NT scan, though.
I told work after my first ultrasound (8 weeks). They pretty much knew (I had been vomiting in my glass-doored office for weeks), but whatever. They were kind enough to pretty much wait until I was ready to tell.
I never announced to the general public with DS or with this pregnancy. I expected my belly to out me at some point, but I'm 19 weeks and still in normal clothes (just now started breaking out some maternity stuff), which was very different than with my son.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
To the general public is whom I assume you are inquiring about. We did it at 12 weeks after our appt.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I popped super early with #2 too, I didn't "announce" early but I didn't hide it either. I told our parents/family right away (we did with both) and then announced on FB around 17 weeks but if someone asked that I saw in person I didn't make a big deal and never would lie.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
Due to my history of loss, we waited until after the NT scan and materniT21 results. So I think it was around 14 or 15 weeks. I was probably showing but I didn't care. We didn't even tell DH's family until that point (my father knew, but I think he was the only one).
We didn't do a public reveal (facebook or whatnot) with any pregnancy.
persimmon / 1198 posts
Later than with my first. We didn't tell our parents until I was about 11 weeks this time. We don't live near our family, but were visiting my in-laws around 11 weeks and wanted to tell at least once set in person. We told my parents over FaceTime that same week. With DS we told my parents in person at like 9 weeks while visiting, and told my in-laws on the phone.
We sent out Christmas cards around 15-16 weeks with a photo of DS wearing a Big Bro shirt, so we waited to announce on social media until after my anatomy scan. We recorded DS opening a box and pink balloons came out. I think we announced with DS on social media the day I hit 12 weeks.
I SAH, so I didn't need to tell an employer...I think DH told work around the same time we sent out our Christmas cards. ETA: with my first I told my nanny family after my NT scan and my part time job soon after that. Since I was telling kids I wanted to make sure things were ok with the baby before telling the family.
clementine / 901 posts
I'm planning on telling my sponsor and sponsorees (I run a lularoe business from home) after my NT scan. I'm only two weeks ahead of you but I feel like it's obvious I'm pregnant, then again I'm pregnant with twins so I'm a little bigger than normal.
This is so different from my first. My boss knew after my second blood draw because I was crying at my desk (we suffered through IF with our first so it was happy tears). I've been so much more cautious with this pregnancy but I think that's because it's twins and there's so many complications. If it was one I probably would tell my up and down line already.
pomegranate / 3231 posts
I have one child and have had three miscarriages. There is no way I would announce to anyone (other than maybe my best friend or my sister) prior to 12 weeks, and I would probably try to hold off even longer if possible. I have just had too many pregnancies end poorly. That is not an experience I want to share broadly.
We told my parents and my MIL about my pregnancy with our son at 11 weeks. I wanted to wait til we had our Harmony test results back at 12 weeks, but it was my dad's birthday and I let convenience prevail. I was adamant that they not tell anyone yet though, and I didn't really give them permission to share the news until closer to 20 weeks. My mom was really put off by that, but I don't care. She is really gossipy with her friends and her neighbors, and they are not people I feel close to. If something goes wrong with a pregnancy, I don't want that circle of people to know about it at all. It's none of their business.
I might feel differently if my mom did not always gossip to me about her friends' children's pregnancies. She speculates that anyone with twins must have gone through a fertility treatment. She tells me when someone has a miscarriage. It makes me really uncomfortable. I don't trust her with my own personal information on this topic as a result.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Around the same time, maybe even later b/c I didn't have time to take big sister pictures I liked!
nectarine / 2813 posts
@ElbieKay: Same here. I have one kid and have had 3 losses so if I ever get pregnant again, I will not announce until much later, probably around 20 weeks.
nectarine / 2813 posts
@ElbieKay: No that wasn't me. With my first loss I wasn't due until May 2017 (this month).
pomegranate / 3921 posts
Publicly, around the same time. End of the first tri. This time, we told family earlier (ranging from 5 - 10 weeks) because we just told them as we saw them, plus they all knew about my previous MC so I would have told them about a second had it happened.
pomegranate / 3231 posts
@mrskansas: Um, I meant Feb 2014. I am really losing it. My son was due Feb 2014 (and was born in early Mar 2014).
ETA: But it looks like your child is 2, not 3, so I must still be mixing you up with someone else.
pineapple / 12053 posts
i told people more randomly as i saw them with the 2nd, starting around 7 weeks. where as with DD1, i waited until 12 weeks to tell people (besides immediate family).
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@ElbieKay: "I might feel differently if my mom did not always gossip to me about her friends' children's pregnancies." Ugh, this exactly. We're still working on our first so I don't have anything to contribute to this post per se, but my mom and her friends are exactly like this and it is one of the reasons I feel uncomfortable sharing with her.
pear / 1767 posts
I waited much later to tell people the second time as well but I had two consecutive losses in between LOs 1 and 2. I told people the first time at 13 weeks and the second time I just let people think I was gaining weight to the point of awkwardness (told work and friends I happened to see starting around 17 weeks and never "announced" on Facebook until she was born). I think with my prior losses it was just easier for me to ignore it in order to cope with the anxiety...
pear / 1737 posts
Same as my first pregnancy, only right away to my mum and sister. 15 ish weeks for everyone else, but never for either on any social media.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
I announced at 12 weeks with both #2 and and #3 (after reviving NIPT results).
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
For both, we didn't do an fb announcement until after the 20 week anatomy scan. We told my parents pretty much right away, and my bff too I think; I'd had a cp a few months earlier and knew I needed support. We told mil/sil around 7 weeks, but didn't tell more friends until after the nt scan and materbiti21 results so like 12 weeks I think? I waited to tell my dissertation advisor/work when I saw her (early pregnancy was during summer) so I was about 18 weeks or so.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
It was around 19-20 weeks after the anatomy scan for both #1 and #2. We were going to tell earlier with #2 but there were issues very early on so we waited.
With this 3rd pregnancy people pretty much already know and I'm only 7+ weeks... but no "announcement" yet. We'll see if we want to do one at 12 or 20 weeks.
grape / 90 posts
this is #3. We told our parents at 8.5 weeks, then our siblings at 11 weeks after the first ultrasound. I also told my boss at 12 weeks due to working remotely from her and she would be in town for meetings a few weeks later....and I was definitely having a hard time not showing by 11 weeks and didn't want to have to hide it/lie (I'm a naturally small framed person). Then we just did a broader announcement to our extended family and friends at 21 weeks after our anatomy/gender scan.
papaya / 10343 posts
With #1 we told family/friends at 8 weeks and I told work at 12 weeks, but I didn't work closely with anyone so it was easy to hide. We FB announced at 12 weeks.
With #2 we told family/friends around 8-10 weeks and I told work at 8 weeks because I work in a room with 4 other people and I found it very hard and frustrating to hide how sick I was. Plus I knew I had some travel coming up for work and I there would be a lot of drinking expected if I didn't have an excuse. We FB announced at 19 weeks after the anatomy scan.
persimmon / 1130 posts
I told my teammates at work super early on (6 weeks) because I was so nauseous and it helps for them to know what's going on. We're teachers and they were able to help cover for me when I was expected to ride on a bus and couldn't, etc.
Other than that we waited longer to tell everyone else this time. We told extended family around 14 weeks, I let the secret out at work around 16 weeks, and we let everyone else know around 18 weeks.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
We told family (parents and siblings) after our first scan with all pregnancies.
With #2 we started telling work and friends after our NT scan.
With #3 well people were calling me out by 9 weeks so a lot of people knew about the twins before the NT scan. We made it official at work right after it since it was pretty clear I wasn't going to be able to work FT until maternity leave.
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