So my LO has used a pacifier since around 4 months or so. She was literally wanting to nurse all day (and I mean she literally was, no breaks and she would get upset during most breaks). I was planning to talk to her doctor at her one year visit in a couple of weeks about when to get rid of it. She's turning one in less than two weeks.

I looked it up just to see what different resources said and a lot said that it's recommended to get rid of it between 6-12 months. I've just always been worried that if I took it away, she would start sucking her thumb and we'd have to deal with that.

When did you get rid of the pacifier? I don't want to do it right now because she's going through a rough patch with sleep and has her shots in a couple of weeks. I'm thinking maybe 13 or 14 months to start taking them away? I was thinking of trying to introduce a stuffed animal during naps and night time soon so she'll get used to that, then gradually taking them away during the day then at night then naps (she falls asleep faster at night currently).

When did you take the pacifier away? How did you do it?