So I know LO's doctor wants her to stop using her pacifier (she's currently 18 months old). She already only really has it when she sleeps and when she's in high stress situations but is completely addicted at night/during naps.
I almost feel bad for taking it away because this is her coping mechanism. But I know it's not good for her language or teeth.
I'm also torn on how to do it. She currently has three pacifiers but when we got home from her appointment today, I took one away. So, now she's at two pacifiers and tomorrow I'll probably knock it down to one for a few days. I also plan to introduce a stuffed animal to her crib to see if she'll become attached to that.
The doctor said that some people swear by poking a hole in the pacifier, while some go cold turkey, and others wait until they're older (which he doesn't recommend).
So what did you do and when? We were just going to go cold turkey but I'm nervous because her sleep has been AMAZING lately. How long did it take for your LO to get used to it?