DD is 13.5 months old and about two weeks ago, began some tantrum throwing like behavior! I thought tantrums didn't start until 2 and was not quite sure how to deal with it. She's old enough to understand most of what I say but I don't think she understands discipline yet (does she?). She throws her head back, grunts and cries (no tears), and makes it impossible to pick her up. What works is if I just try to calmly talk to we, asking her what she wants and letting her work it out. I don't give in and give her what she is upset about since I don't want to encourage her behavior and she usually forgets about it if I redirect we attention to something else.

Anyone else experience this have any tips on how to diffuse calmly without giving in? Apparently DH was a stubborn kid and threw many tantrums too. My mom said I never threw a tantrum since 'I knew better' aka I was too scared of her lol.