I was thinking about joining TemperanceBrennan's diet bet (http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/hellobee-diet-bet) but realized that I dont really have time to exercise (yes its an excuse)

My DH leaves at 8am to go to work, I'm the one who has to get DD ready for the day. I wake up at 6:30 shower, dress, pack her lunch and by that time she is up (7:30-8:00am). I dress her, feed her and get her ready for our nanny. I rush out of the house at 8:30, take the train and am at work from 9:30-5:30 then take the train home and get home around 6:30. Feed, bathe and cuddle with DD and between 8-9 she falls asleep and I'm exhausted and I get ready for bed.

I dont really like to work out at night because it keeps me up. I could try to work out during lunch but I usually can only do cardio (i guess thats better than nothing)

I do not belong to a gym right now.

So tell me Bees when do you work out?