Hi ladies,
With your previous pregnancies when did you..
1. Start POAS? And why? Symptom based?
2. Get a BFP?
3. And what type of test did you use?
In the TWW and getting super antsy..... please humor me! TIA!!
Hi ladies,
With your previous pregnancies when did you..
1. Start POAS? And why? Symptom based?
2. Get a BFP?
3. And what type of test did you use?
In the TWW and getting super antsy..... please humor me! TIA!!
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
With DD1, I don't think I POAS the first two cycles we "tried" b/c I know I wasn't really doing a "good" job. On our third cycle I POAS for exact ovulation time so I had more confidence. So then I POAS on DPO 10 (and on vacation mind you), because I just couldn't wait. I didn't have too many obvious symptoms or I was just oblivious. 10 DPO I had a super faint line.... By 12-13 DPO it was super clear and confirmed with digital. At first I used cheap Target brand ones but then used FRER
With DD2 I had no idea when I ovulated and wasn't even sure if I've missed my period... I just had unmikstable symptom of heartburn/feeling really bloated even tho I just took one bite, and I distinctly remember only feeling that way when pregnant w/ DD1. No idea what DPO it was; and just took CVS brand blue dye and it was a BFP. I don't think I ever confirmed it with digital or anything else.
kiwi / 526 posts
I have just been pregnant once and am currently pregnant. I used a Wondfo and another cheapie internet one at the same time. I was 14 DPO and my luteal phase is usually 15 days. I took the tests because I had just gotten the call that my husband's SA came back higher than the last SA and I was feeling hopeful for that cycle. I also had a lot of CM that would wake me up in the early morning (new). Later that day I went out and bought a digital to confirm what the two cheapies told me.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
I've been pregnant 5 times so I've peed on a lot of sticks.
1. Start POAS? And why? Symptom based?
- 4 times, we were TTC so obviously I was hoping to be pregnant. Started testing around 8 or 9dpo. Last time, it was a surprise and AF was a few days late and I just "felt" pregnant so I took a test.
2. Get a BFP? Squinters on 9 or 10dpo, usually pretty clear by 11dpo
3. And what type of test did you use? Wonfos in the early days, FRER to confirm positives
persimmon / 1111 posts
9DPO. I tested because we were trying (long journey) and I wanted a margarita. I took a FRER in Walmart, threw it in the bag, went to the restaurant, and realized no margarita for me.
nectarine / 2813 posts
1. Start POAS? And why? Symptom based?
I tested once at 9 DPO and got a negative. Tested again at 13 DPO because I had a work party with drinking involved and wanted to make sure. I was so shocked when it was positive because I had no signs.
2. Get a BFP? 13 DPO.
3. And what type of test did you use? FRER
I've been pregnant a few other times, but they weren't happy endings so I won't include the info.
pear / 1728 posts
1. Start POAS? And why? Symptom based?
I started on 8DPO because I'm impatient and knew that was about the earliest you could get a BFP. I had no symptoms yet.
2. Get a BFP?
I got a very faint positive on 8DPO.
3. And what type of test did you use?
I used wonfos and then bought a FRER to confirm. I got positives on both at 8DPO.
cherry / 131 posts
@snowjewelz: @skinnycow: @mrskansas: @pollywog: @catlady: @bibliolove: thanks! I POAS on 6,7,8DPO (I know) and 10DPO and all negs.. ugh need to stop peeing in those sticks until AF comes/doesn't come...
Anyone POAS 10dpo and get a neg ON A FRER and then get a BFP later?
grapefruit / 4455 posts
@hellobear: Both times before 4 weeks. Not sure how many dpo. Nausea both times but the second time the first trimester was much easier in terms of nausea. I would guess 9dpo with the first lo and hmm maybe like 12 with the second. Both times FRER.
papaya / 10343 posts
Kid 1:
POAS 8dpo. Because I had a weird metallic taste in my mouth and I knew that was sometimes a pregnancy thing (and I was being paranoid because we'd had a bc mishap for the first time ever the day before I O'd. I knew because I was timing to prevent). Used a wondfo.
Kid 2:
POAS 10dpo (guessing, it was 4 days before missed period but I wasn't tracking O this time). We were trying. I have no self control lol. No symptoms though. Another wondfo.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
Both times I got a at 11dpo. The second time around I tested only because I knew what implantation felt like, and I could feel it very distinctly. I first used a cheapie test, then confirmed with a FRER. I'm sure I could have got a earlier with a FRER, but I hate it when they are negative - it's like the double whammy of a BFN and having just wasted a lot of money peeing on the stupid stick.
cherry / 121 posts
So, with M, I tested at 10 or 11 DPO and got a BFN. Which was ok, bc we hadn't been trying that long and I wanted to drink on valentine's day haha! Then, a couple of days later, I got with with the flu and strep at the same time. I was down with that for over a week. By the time I recovered, AF was like 5 days late. So, I tested again and got my BFP!! VERY unexpected. Both times, it was a wondfo. Then, I tested three more days after my BFP on Wondfos just because until I went to the OB. ️
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