So as a bit of background, DS is 2 and in daycare and for the past two months, has been basically constantly sick. In October, he had a bad cold with low grade fever (like below 101) for about 7 days. Doctor put him on antibiotics since it wasn't getting better. He ended up doing 2 rounds of antibiotics in October.
This past Saturday, he spiked a high fever (102.8) and then got his usual cold symptoms - green snotty nose, horrible wet cough, and kept the fever but it was much lower (101 and below). He was out of school Mon, Tues, and Wed, but went yesterday because he didn't have a temp in the morning and seemed a little better (but still with cold symptoms). I actually took him to the doctor Tuesday and she thought it was just another daycare virus and she didn't want to put him on antibiotics again (I agree!).
Well, today is Friday, day #6, symptoms are not any better and temp was 100.5 this morning so he's out of school AGAIN. I have missed SO much work the last 6 weeks and I am so behind and stressed. I am not a fan of taking antibiotics unnecessarily but seriously, this is crazy. Would you ride it out or take him back to the ped today or tomorrow?