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When, if ever, did your labor become super painful?

  1. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @Cherrybee: Sorry! I started because I was thinking the thread about labor being more or less painful might give people an idea that all of labor is painful. My first 12 hours I was pretty sure I was in labor and there were some uncomfy parts but nothing bad at all, I stayed home and even went on a run/walk.

    So I'm trying to think for this pregnancy when or if I want to get an epidural, I want to put it off since my contractions went from coming one on top of each other to stopping completely. But I did enjoy some aspects of the epidural so I'm not in any way ruling it out, just trying to figure out the happy balance.

    @looch: Did you get an epidural at any point or what method did you use for med free labor?

  2. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    @Maysprout: I had an intervention free birth, no meds, equipment or episiotomy.

    I really didn't do any method, I did read up on the Mongan Method, but for me, the key was movement. I was up and moving into all kinds of positions literally until the moment I pushed LO out, on my side.

  3. prettylizy

    GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts

    The very worst part in my mind was in the car on the way to the hospital when I was pumping to try and increase the intensity of my contractions and was 'fighting' each one. They were terrible and painful and I was miserable. When I finally got in eyesight of my doula and she started to coach me through each contraction I was much better. Relax ladies and don't tense up and fight the contractions, give into them, it's much better! lol!

  4. googly-eyes

    GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts

    I thought it was pretty intense from a few hours in! I had cramps the night before that were I guess early labor and it woke me up all night but I could still ignore it. But a few hours after getting up and walking around it was intense..then it went back down for a couple hours..then it was intense again but I labored for over 24 more hours (and one checkup at l&d but didn't want to be admitted) before officially going to l&d and being admitted. The contractions pretty much hurt as much at 2cm as they did at 8-9cm, when I got my epi. The difference was how worn out I was. They were never regular and they were back labor, so even though I went in the second time at 8 cm I was still afraid they'd say I made no progress and send me home. I went in and told them that even if this wasn't labor I needed something for the pain, now!

  5. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    @looch: That's a good point about movement. When I hit I think 6 cm, they started making me lay in bed for a half hour every hour to monitor baby and that was really hard and then after the half hour was up it was hard to start moving again so I would just rock in the rocking chair but I should have moved more. I think I needed to be drinking some gatorade or something too to keep my energy up. I'll have to look up the Morgan Method.

  6. Cherrybee

    papaya / 10570 posts

    @Maysprout: It's okay! It's good to be prepared!! I'm particularly enjoying the "its was okay until the picotin" comments on both labour threads. It's very likely I will be induced!!! Eek! Forewarned is forearmed, so they say.


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