How do you figure out when the right time to buy a house is? My DH and I are young (23) and we just got married in October. We both have stable jobs though, and we make an average amount, we are middle working class. Right now in our neighborhood that we would love to buy a house, there are a ton of foreclosed homes, and we did that mortgage calculator thing, and our mortgage payment would be 300 less than what we pay for rent right now! But the catch is, combined we have right around 40-45k in student loans. What our plan would be if we bought a house is to take out an additional home equity loan to pay off all of our student loans (it would be at a much lower interest rate…..4-5% instead of 9-10%) and that way we have only 1 loan to pay each month versus 5-6 different payments.
Does anyone have any experience in this kind of thing? Does anyone know who I could even talk to about this with DH? A financial planner or something? We are just clueless and completely unsure of what to do right now, but we would love to buy a house because of the housing market so low right now!
Any advice?