Hellobee Boards


When was the last time you got a pedicure?

  1. HLK208

    pineapple / 12234 posts

    July! My feet are looking pretty gross.

  2. mediagirl

    hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts

    October 15, 2010. I don't like them because I'm so ticklish! I just lotion my feet and paint them myself.

  3. smocks

    apricot / 483 posts

    I got one 3 weeks ago because it's nearly impossible to reach my toes now (at least for the amount of time it would take me to give myself a pedicure). Assuming baby doesn't arrive early, I have 2 weeks off work prior to my due date so I'll get another one then Then it'll be back to my usual DIY pedicure routine once I can reach, I own a ridiculous amount of nail polish.

  4. prettylizy

    GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts

    3ish months ago?

  5. littleveesmommy

    persimmon / 1472 posts

    4 months? =\ I gave myself a homemade pedi cause of winter feet syndrome.

    @mrbee: Try a few tbsp of baking soda in a basin of the hottest water you can stand, then soak until water is lukewarm. Once you are all soaked grab a pumice stone. It works wonders in heels and your feet feel baby soft!

  6. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    Before LO was born--so sad because I LOOOOOVE them.
    I haven't even painted my own toenails since before LO was born.

    I wish I had time (and a pumice stone) for what @Littleveesmommy suggested.


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