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When was the last time you wanted to slap someone?

  1. Rescuemom10

    pear / 1965 posts

    Often recently. I am due on the 31st this month, and DH leaves for Afghanistan on the 24th of NEXT month. So he wont have much time with LO before he goes and she will be so little yet. He will be gone for 1.5 years. Which is longer than most Military deployments because its not your typical deployment he got assigned.
    Im getting PISSED that so many people keep telling me "Its OK, and they understand" or that "They have been there". (when in al reality I know ONE other friend who has done something like this and there DH went away for ALMOST this long (one year)not long after they had a baby)

    REALLY???? NO YOU DONT!!! Unless your husband left for 1.5 yrs when your baby was a NEWBORN, dont tell me you understand. Dont compare you little couple month deployment when your kid was a baby to my husband getting all of a couple weeks with his baby and coming back to a TODDLER.
    I get it that 6 months suck (typical deployment length) but dont tell me how much it sucked and that you got through it and I will too. DO THE MATH people...if you think that sucked your not helping...I am going THREE TIMES that long.

    I know I will get through it, its going to suck but its not like we have a choice. We found out he was getting assigned this after I was already PG.

    Ahhh END RANT!!!

  2. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @Rescuemom10: Aww, that just plain old SUCKS that he has to leave so soon and for so long. Will he get any leave during that time? big thanks to him and you for what he does to protect us every day.

    I want to slap anyone and everyone today. I just want to go home and get away from everyone. I probably should worn DH before he gets home.

  3. BananaPancakes

    grapefruit / 4817 posts

    @Rescuemom10: This really stinks for you and I am so sorry. A good friend had this very thing happen and it was a really difficult time for her. Her husband's had 2 more long deployments and they've had 2 more kids, though, so I've seen that it can work. Just want you to know that people on the bee are thinking about you.

  4. Rescuemom10

    pear / 1965 posts

    @Smurfette: Aww thanks! He may get some time. The first 6 mos are actually training and he will be "bouncing" around the States and different bases for that. He MAY get like a couple days in between or right before he heads over to Afghanistan but we wont know for sure for awhile. Once he is over there he has 353 days "in country" and he is not scheduled to get any leave during that time from what he have been told. Some times they get a couple weeks or a week of whats called R&R...but sometimes they send them to a "nicer" base to have their Rest and relaxation and not send them home.

  5. archivedbee

    grape / 86 posts

    oh I want to slap my SIL all the time....actually, I've been meaning to start a thread about it to get some opinions ... ;p


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