How do you deal with it? Especially if they are vocal about it?
Luckily, the few of my own family members that I do disagree politically aren't very vocal or don't use social media. Unfortunately, DH's family is very vocal. I've been biting my tongue and trying to ignore it. I know that social media is causing some of it.
I know everyone has their own views and we don't have to agree. I do find myself not wanting to talk to certain people. I know some of the things I post on social media make my in-laws eye roll... a lot. I should cut back on my social media but since we are so far from family, we do use it to post about our children. So there are good reasons for social media in our case.
I know we are a few months away from the election and I'm sure things will get worse. I think I just need to find strength to look past some of the things my in-laws' post. Oh, I've hidden some of the groups so if they share from a particular group, I don't see it.
I'm trying to be better and trying not to judge but it's so hard. They think they are right and I think I am right.
So tell me how you look past differences of opinions in politics.
When it comes to friends, I can look past it but when it comes to family (especially by marriage) it's much harder for me. For my own family, I can brush it off. Could this be a struggle or conflict I have with the in laws and the political differences are making it worse?