LO has been doing ok. 2 episodes in the last month that we managed at home with medication. This means they were less severe and is giving us hope that she won't have to be on steroids the rest of her life.
But, I still operate from a place of uncertainty. An episode means canceled work and social plans and a minimum 500$ co pay if we have to go in and this is always in the back of my mind.
SO, I was at work, planning a meeting with a client and she asked if I would be in on Friday and would I have the report done then. A little frazzled, I responded,"I am supposed to be in on Friday and I think I can have it done. If not is there another day...?"
Not super competent, eh? lol.
I realized how flakey I must have sounded and knew this woman was a parent, so on Friday (when I did have everything done) I apologized and just told her my daughter has been ill this year and it makes me hesitant to commit because I have had to call off. She busts out with a hug and says," I know exactly what you are talking about. My son lost his leg two years ago and is fine now, but we still operate are a day to day basis, always wondering 'what if?'" We had a great conversation about all the weirdness illness brings.
It was nice to be truly understood and not have to wallow in feeling incompetent
That being said, I definitely need to leave the anxiety at home and be more 'present' at work!