I need to improve in the eating out/takeout and grocery shopping category. I just don't feel like cooking (I will blame it on pregnancy) and I don't plan ahead for meals so I go to the store a lot and spend too much!
I need to improve in the eating out/takeout and grocery shopping category. I just don't feel like cooking (I will blame it on pregnancy) and I don't plan ahead for meals so I go to the store a lot and spend too much!
honeydew / 7230 posts
Online shopping for baby clothes. They have a lot of clothes, but I still find myself sticking them into the same thing over and over!
coconut / 8279 posts
Eating out for sure! After a full day of work and solo parenting most nights, the weekends get here and the last thing I want to do is cook.
I brought lunch to work and all I'm doing is daydreaming about going out and getting something else. ugh
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@twodoghouse: yes! It's so hard to always rmeebr what they have and don't have!
We just need to cut back splurges. Stuff we pretty much need but we could probably suffice with a cheaper version.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
We also spend a lot on take out right now but with me being pregnant it's kind of a necessary evil. I never know what I will want to eat (or if I will want to eat) for dinner so if we meal plan ahead and buy a bunch of stuff at the grocery store, we run the risk of it being wasted because I wasn't feeling well enough to cook it or eat it.
honeydew / 7622 posts
All the baby clothes. We have way more than we could ever use. I still occasionally buy things that are a good deal like 2t PJS. But only buy seasonal items as I need them, like sunhats, not before so I don't pre buy out of season items. Especially not that shes not going to daycare like we planned I bought a fair amount of stuff because it was cheap/used- that I'll likely just give away or sell at a loss.
pineapple / 12234 posts
@twodoghouse: same!
Why do I buy so many clothes for LO's while I struggle daily to find something to wear in my closet, lol.
grapefruit / 4671 posts
The eating out and takeout for sure. It is so tough to get a handle on because NYC is such an eating out/takeout kind of city even without parenting and pregnancy challenges thrown in so when you add an almost 3 year old and being pregnant it is so hard to stay on track! I am trying to force myself though, pregnant or not I will roast that chicken tonight hahaha.
honeydew / 7622 posts
@HLK208: Yes! I NEED to be finding nursing friendly clothes for me. Not cute clothes for the babe.
nectarine / 2272 posts
Our grocery bill was getting a little out of control so I've been working on that.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Truth Bombs: Ditto. We have to be really flexible with dinner due to me having hyperemesis and constant nausea. Thankfully, I have 15 days left until my due date.
pineapple / 12802 posts
Take out and groceries are a big one.
We're just about to switch providers and cut our cable package to something more basic (we don't watch TV so why pay for a bunch of extra channel packages?!). We will hopefully be saving $80/month by doing this.
grapefruit / 4923 posts
our grocery bills and lunch spending. you'd think with the high grocery bills that i would be making enough to take leftovers to lunch, but nope! i've managed to somehow combine both as high costs.
grapefruit / 4455 posts
Food. I am so embarrassed at how much I think we've spent for May.
pineapple / 12566 posts
@HLK208: omg yes! I will easily open up my wallet to buy for the LOs, but I have such a hard shopping for myself!
I think groceries. If I meal planned better, we would waste less money on food.
grapefruit / 4089 posts
Groceries could always be trimmed back. The weeks that I make a solid meal plan, we spend less and have better meals and more food to go around. Winging it at the grocery store is not good for our budget!
DH spends a good chunk of money on coffee and lunches out, but I'm OK with that because he works his ass off and it isn't breaking the bank.
pear / 1503 posts
@Youboots: @HLK208: I spent $500 on nursing friendly clothes just this week. Plus another $100 in bras. First splurge since the baby was born, and my pre-prego summer clothes don't fit me yet, so it was needed. I wouldn't call it unneccessary spending.
I do need to curb my grocery habits, however. Whenever I end up shopping, I pick up way too many sweets and snacks that we don't need. Which doesn't help DH and I lose weight either.
grapefruit / 4584 posts
@twodoghouse: This. I'm awful with buying kids clothes. Really just awful. I need to stop.
cherry / 178 posts
Online shopping.. especially now for maternity clothes, lol. I'm a sucker for coupon codes and sales :\ I need to stop!!
persimmon / 1313 posts
@autumnlove: SAME. This week we got back into cooking and we've saved so much money. When I was pregnant, I cooked only a handful of times. I had really bad MS but no excuses now 4 months after DD is here...
grapefruit / 4817 posts
Food! I have no idea how to fix this. I read all these posts about living off of $100 a week for a family of 4 and I literally don't understand it. I make lunches and drink coffee at home. I cook almost all dinners, buy virtually no snacks and can't figure out how not to spend $1000/month.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@Astro Bee: I bought some clothes this week too and immediately started to feel guilty. But I actually did need a few items for summer- why do we let ourselves feel guilty over spending money on ourselves even if it's needed?!
Coffee- ha. I've been going out for coffee too much instead of making my own.
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
kids' clothes and food. food is tough because everything is so pricey here, but if i planned better, froze more, batch cooked more, i could save more money. clothes i have no excuse!
coffee bean / 45 posts
Furniture and home decor! We just moved into our new home a little over a month ago and I feel like everything we have goes into furnishing our home! That should stop soon though or at least not such big expensive pieces!
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
Eating out (we've cut down a lot but could still do better) & clothes.
wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts
Food, for sure. We don't really have a grocery budget, mainly b/c DH does all the grocery shopping and cooking so it's hard for me to impose a budget into him, and this is also one area that I just never really know what we need to spend! Plus we eat out probably 1-2 times a week, depending what we are doing on the weekends.
apricot / 358 posts
@Mrs. Bee: but their clothes are so cute and inspiring for the rest of us. Maybe you could write them off as a work expense!
I need to cut back on eating out at work. It's hard to get a good lunch out for under $12, and that adds up.
cherry / 154 posts
eating out, taking cabs (we live in NYC) & Starbucks. We're moving to the suburbs soon so I anticipate the eating out and taking cabs will be easy to lessen. Starbucks will be hard for me to give up, as my office is right next door to one. Weekends will be coffee at home. Hopefully once we move I can get my grocery shopping tendencies under control and definitely do some meal planning.
apricot / 388 posts
@autumnlove: me exactly. (Though I'm not pregnant so I don't have that excuse!)
eggplant / 11861 posts
Food, we don't really meal plan, I try buy I feel like if we did we would definitely save! As for eating out we might 1-2 times a week, but we are OK with that
honeydew / 7235 posts
I need to meal plan and grocery shop better. I spend WAY too much at the grocery store monthly.
grape / 75 posts
@bananapancakes I have the same frustration! I cook almost every meal at home. It's not like I'm making steak and Cornish game hens every night, so why is it so hard to keep my home and grocery expenses under $1,000? Last week I read a blog post about a woman who feeds her whole family for $75 a week and I was just like whaaaaat? Seriously does not compute.
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