DS just turned 6 months old, and I'm ready for sleep to get better. He was fairly decent as a newborn, only waking 2 times to feed at night, and going back to sleep easily. But once we hit the 4 month sleep regression and stopped swaddling, it's been pretty terrible. Anywhere from 3-5 night wakings, sometimes more. Ive usually been nursing him back to sleep, but sometimes even that doesn't work!

His naps used to be reliably 2 hrs, but those started getting shorter, and often he would startle at 40 mins in and need help going back to sleep (and I know he's not ready to be up at 40 mins because he's soooo cranky).

I've had a few rough days where I've been in tears because I'm surviving off of maybe 1-2 hrs of sleep total. It's not good for me mentally or physically. And so, I'm ready to start working on this! But I'm not sure which one I should tackle first, night or naps.

For night time, DS cosleeps with me. Eventually, I'd like to have him in the pack n play in our room for at least a majority of the night. For naps, he used to be in his crib, but then really had trouble with it, so I started napping him where he sleeps at night, and that seems to help some. I did try to get him to sleep in his crib last week for a nap....it took 30 mins of patting and shushing to get him down, when normally it's less than 5. My goal is to have him napping inhis crib so that I can get some stuff done!

Anyways...I need a game plan and advice, and I haven't an idea where to start. Should I work on night wakings first and getting him inthe pack in play? I don't really know what to change or do. I'm not 100% opposed to cry it out, but it's also probably not what I want to start with. I'd love to get his night wakings back down to 2. I can handle that. This every 90 min - 2 hours, plus squirming and rolling all over the place, is driving me nuts!

Any advice, tips, or thoughts on where to begin. It's kind of daunting to figure this out....