clementine / 849 posts
My husband and I just held each other in bed in utter and complete disbelief and sadness. I just let the tears come. For my son, for our nation's children, for anyone not white, rich, male, or straight. When he woke up crying we gave up sleep training and both went to him and held him and promised we'd protect him.
From here on out, the only answer is togetherness, the only way is continuing a momentum of love and defending the rights of others. Time to roll up our sleeves and continue to fight the good fight.
bananas / 9227 posts
Yeh, this pretty much sums it up for me:
papaya / 10570 posts
Friends, I am so, so sorry. I woke up to the news.... I am in complete shock. The world has gone mad.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
It's 1am here, DH is out of town and I'm just laying here in tears. I can't believe this is happening.
bananas / 9227 posts
My local American group is planning a drink-up session "for drinking our feelings and shame" If I only lived closer to the main city.
bananas / 9227 posts
@lamariniere: Seriously, that commentary is so good, it deserves it's own thread.
honeydew / 7504 posts
It's 4am. I just woke up. I can't stop crying. How did this happen? I feel sick.
clementine / 995 posts
I sobbed for a good hour last night once I realized Donald Trump was going to win. DH just sat in stunned silence.
pear / 1558 posts
@YogiRunner: yes with the togetherness!
I think this result can only mean it is time for the US citizens to stand up & demand better. I know that's what the election was supposed to be for, but clearly the message was we don't want Washington as usual. I can get behind that, just not the allowance of such a vile man to help lead us out of business as usual. Perhaps just taking the opportunity to volunteer or speak up for others when they need us can be a ripple of good that will hopefully buffer his hate.
kiwi / 526 posts
I'm sick. I can't handle this. How??? How does hate win? I don't recognize the US anymore. I thought we were better than that. I can't sleep, I'm just sitting here stunned.
pear / 1503 posts
What the hell is wrong with your country???? The whole world is in shock, and completely stupefied. There are no words for what I am feeling this morning. This affects all of us. I really can not see any positives that come out of this. Did you not learn from Brexit? Roe v. Wade will be overturned within the decade. We will go back to the botched illegal abortion era. War will break out with Iran and who knows where else, and the U.S. will drag the rest of us in, and an infantile hothead will have his hand on the nuclear launch codes. I am really afraid for minorities in the U.S. now. I just can't believe....
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
This is a dark chapter in American history. One that I hope we can eventually recover from.
I'm at work and I keep trying not to cry. I've never been so ashamed of my country before.
bananas / 9227 posts
It's been hours since I've woken up to the news (I'm an overseas voter) and I'm still speechless. I can not wrap my head around how we - a nation that is build on immigrants - can elect such a despicable human being. The message to our children is "if you have enough money, you can literally do whatever the fck you want and people will rally for you"? That you don't have to be a decent human being? I feel as if something is deeply broken in the system for this to have become our reality.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
I didn't really sleep at all last night. It was miserable. I just can't even wrap my head around how this happened.
Before this election, I actually used to be a conservative voter. It's how I was raised. The last year has shown me I want nothing to do with the Republican Party. They stand for none of the same values and morals that I do. I was so proud voting blue for my first time ever, so confident blue was going to win. Obama won by a large margin four years ago, I figured nothing's changed and that will happen again! We'll have our first female president!
My worst nightmare has come true. I don't know how to live in a country where he is my president.
I've always held the belief that no matter my views- always respect the president. Always honor him. But how... how am I supposed to respect this man as my country's leader? I can't.
I fell asleep last night praying... praying for the Muslim, refugees, children, women, latinos, LGBT... just praying... praying that somehow we can start a movement of love and kindness that will win.
They go low, we go high.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
Im clinging to the hope that maybe the last year of campaigning has been an intentional act because he knew he could rile up a base of people who feel disenfranchised, and that now that he has won he will actually act more like a rational human being. His insanity is too risiculous to be real. His victory speech gives me a sliver of hope.
But this is devestating.
pomelo / 5573 posts
I don't know what to say. I'm very very sorry, you guys. This feels like a nightmare for me and I'm not American. It's literally unbelievable that this could have happened.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@Mrs. Lion: whether or not he did it for show or to rile people up, and is actually a reasonable man deep down (doubtful...) that's not who more than half this country voted for. That what scares and saddens me more than any policies he could enact. The majority of people heard everything has has said and still thought it was ok to elect him president. That is the worst part to me.
pear / 1930 posts
What scares me most is now Republicans will control the presisency, House, and Senate. History shows that whenever one party holds all three it is not very good for the economy.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Mrs. Lion: unfortunately given the number of women who have come forward to say he assaulted them, going back many years, I don't think that's possible.
Also, 100 percent this. All those people still insisting, "oh but if Johnson got enough votes this could be the beginning of the end of the two party system." No. This was not the time. This was not the year. Your vote was selfish.
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@Foodnerd81: This is the worst part for me as well. I keep walking by people in the street and mentally thinking....was this you? Did you choose this monster? I dont know how to be a "christian" anymore knowing that so many people who profess to have my values are responsible for giving this kind of hatred a platform.
That, and like @Ms. RV: said...there is literally no way to stop him if republicans continue to follow behind and let him do whatever he wants
pomelo / 5509 posts
@Ms. RV: @Mrs. Lion: This is what scares me the most too. Yes, there are checks and balances, but with the house and senate behind him I'm not sure how effective those checks and balances will really be. I'm terrified that he WILL be able to do some of the things he's said he'll do because no one will stop him. I was in tears this morning thinking about having to potentially tell my daughter someday about all the things women USED to be allowed to do. To say nothing of any progress made in equality for minorities/LGBTQ that could be entirely erased.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I know so many people who really hated both candidates and said they just couldn't stomach voting for either of them. And I would actually argue with them, saying you HAVE to know he is worse. And they would eventually agree by say she was so awful. And many of them did not vote for president at all. And I just want to shout "are you happy now?!?! Is this what you wanted??" (But most of my circle are in blue states where their vote "didn't matter").
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
@IRunForFun: I keep reading things about "what to tell our kids" and to tell them we will keep them safe. How can I keep my little girls safe if someone can joke about sexual assault, on camera, then be accused by many women of following through on exactly what he joked about, and be elected president. How can I keep them safe in a world where that is ok?
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Foodnerd81: I don't have little girls, but I'm scared for all our children, especially little girls.
How can we tell our children "Don't be a bully. Don't cheat. Don't belittle people. Don't hate people for being different" when we elected this man as our President?
wonderful pea / 17279 posts
Hillary got spanked. This election is a wake up call for Democrats. She did not inspire enough people to come out and vote.
@IRunForFun: don't forget he gets to pick at least two Supreme Court justices. ETA: big Gov't is now a sea of Red.
honeydew / 7504 posts
@MrsSCB: Yes! I have friends who are still posting stuff about voting 3rd party and being proud for voting for the "right guy for the job." Well done. This nation (and the world) is in turmoil and the rights of millions of people are in jeopardy and our economy is headed down the toilet. But yay. Your principals are still intact. You selfish prick.
eggplant / 11716 posts
@Adira: I think it's time to accept that large swaths of the American public are not teaching their children those values. I think they are happily teaching their children--and practicing themselves--that it's perfectly fine to discriminate based on sexuality or race or religion. That "the other" is scary.
I literally had a student come in to school today, exulting Trump. His exact words were, "Hillary was going to kill all of us". He's a WASP kid. Where would he get an idea like that? THis kid isn't spending his free time reading Breitbart news. But the thing is, they DO hear and see what their parents are doing, and they make their own equivocations based on that.
This is America. We have to stop pretending it's only some crazy offshoots of the public. It's the majority now.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@littlebug: exactly. Get over yourself. Congratulations, you assisted in one of the most shameful nights in our history! Glad you still feel good about your decision 🙄
eggplant / 11716 posts
We've been studying about the Holocaust in my 8th grade class. Yesterday, we watched a short film about all the countries where Otto Frank applied for asylum, including the US, and how he was denied.
I had another student yesterday say, about Anne Frank and Otto Frank, who we have been studying, "I talked with my mom about this yesterday. And she said we couldn't take them all, so it wasn't fair if we took only a few and not all, so the US made the best choice."
THAT'S America now--mothers are teaching their children that it was better for 6 million jews to die than for the US to have accepted any of them as refugees.
It's sickening.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Anagram: Yes, you're absolutely right. I just didn't realize that the people like that were in the majority. I thought our country had mostly moved past that kind of hatred and disrespect. It's heart-breaking to learn that I was wrong.
pineapple / 12566 posts
@Mrs. Lemon-Lime: not that it changes anything, but Hillary is actually ahead in the popular vote right now.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
I'm so sorry everyone. We'll survive this, I think. But it's going to be a very unpleasant ride.
@Ms. RV: this!
I'm starting to think that a lot of the support for Trump was the same desperation vote that Obama got. It doesn't quite make sense to me given what else Trump stands for, but that could be it. People who were hoping for dramatic change from the Democrats, didn't get it, and turned to the Republicans. Of course, they may be just as disappointed by the results as they were by Obama's presidency. We'll see.
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
@Mrs. Lion: "This is the worst part for me as well. I keep walking by people in the street and mentally thinking....was this you? Did you choose this monster? I dont know how to be a "christian" anymore knowing that so many people who profess to have my values are responsible for giving this kind of hatred a platform."
THIS. This is exactly how I felt this morning dropping my son off at his southern baptist preschool. I'm choosing to ignore FB for awhile because so many people are celebrating and those are "Christians." It's so sad to me.
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
@Mrs. Lion: @lilteacherbee: so many people who I've really looked up to in the past regarding their relationship with God have left me shocked and disappointed. I can't fathom what the line of thinking was there
blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts
@lilteacherbee: @Mrs. Sunshine: And the "Lets just all trust Jesus as King" fb posts are infuriating. I mean yes, as someone who follows Jesus I get that. But what happened to being the social change in the world and fighting injustice and standing up for those who treated unfairly? We cant just sit by and wait for Jesus. We have a responsibility to be the hands and feet. Now. Today. To move things forward, not backward.
Im dumbfounded. And heartbroken. I just don't understand.
pomelo / 5298 posts
Let me start with that I'm a minority here. I'm more conservative than most. I crave fiscal conservativism. I want smaller government. I want to revamp most of our social welfare systems. I want to fix government inefficiency. I want for our monetary policy to get an overhaul. I want us to be strong in military and stand up to other fellow nations and be a leader that is respected. I don't want to try Roe v Wade again. I want marriage equality. I want gun control (for heavens sake guns in the hands of most Americans scares me!). I don't side with Mr Trump and I don't side with Mrs. Clinton. I voted blue. I live in a red state. I knew my vote wouldn't change my state. I truly believe (delusional maybe) that Trump will be more moderate than he professed. I hope he spends his time on trying to make change to some of our big government inefficiencies and leaves the wall behind us. I hope he's just like politicians before him spouting rhetoric that appeals to masses. I cry for those masses that wanted some of his changes. I hope they are disappointed in four years that he didn't deliver. I hope that we somehow get to a middle ground. I hope that America can move to the middle because the far right is just as scary as the far left.
And for these Christian principles? Well I proudly stand today on the ground of non practice. I can't get behind today's strong religious right.
I'm very anxious to see cabinet appointments. I am clinging to hope that he picks some amazing people to surround himself with. I have to hope.
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