My son has always been a freaking horrible napper. 30 minutes on the dot for every single nap until he was 1. Then they were like an hour and a half after letting him CIO when he woke up too early and getting him on one nap a day.

This summer he had a good stretch where he would nap two ish hours. We spent every morning getting him to the beach or park to exhaust him and it worked.

Now it's winter and freezing and his naps suck so bad. Monday no nap. Tuesday 1 hour car nap. Wednesday 30 minute nap. Yesterday one hour. Today 28 minutes. Also he woke up at 530 today after going to bed at 840 last night. How is this normal?! 9 hours of night sleep plus a 30 minute nap.
I'm literally ignoring him right now praying he falls back to sleep. I'm so sick and need a break so badly.
When your kid is up for 15 hours a day and naps for less then 1 hour in the middle of Canadian makes for the longest days ever

Does anyone have any tips on helping a 23 month old nap longer? I am so not ready to give up naps. He is so busy and I just need a freaking break to sit down in the middle of the day.

The day he skipped nap I thought maybe if he slept extra long at night it would be ok if he started skipping naps some days. But no. He slept until 530 that day too (he had been sleeping until 630-7 recently).
