That would be month 4-7.5 for me with LO 3. I was so tired! She made the newborn days seem easy during this stretch.
That would be month 4-7.5 for me with LO 3. I was so tired! She made the newborn days seem easy during this stretch.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@autumnlove: about the same! DD slept great as a newborn. At 4 months she started to wake up 4-5 times a night! It was rough.
GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts
The first year is a blur sleep-wise but probably months 6-9. Being sleep-deprived for so long plus having to focus at work all day was extremely challenging.
watermelon / 14467 posts
Months 3-9. Being up all night nursing plus having to function at work was so, so hard. I got so sick that first year because I was so sleep deprived.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
From between 3.5 months to 5.5 months. Sleep regression combined with transition to daycare, transition out of the swaddle, and transitions out of the swing and Rock n Play to the flat crib mattress. There were nights where she would wake as many as 10 times and I would get maybe 2 broken hours of sleep total. Plus she hadn't been a great sleeper as a newborn anyway, and we were already sleep deprived going into it.
DH and I call it our "dark period".
nectarine / 2765 posts
For me, newborn stage with twins. I literally thought I was going to lose my mind. An hour did not go by without one awake. It. Was. Horrible.
pomegranate / 3863 posts
His entire first year, it was definitely a blur. He didn't sleep through the night until 22ish months but the first year was the worst.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Day 1 to 12 weeks. There was a 10 day stretch between weeks 10-11 where he barely slept and just screamed the whole time so I didn't sleep for 10 days. I had a complete nervous breakdown.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
4 months was the WORST, up every 2 hours, I think probably until 6 or 7 months? He didn't STTN until 14 months when we weaned, but at least I was getting 4 hour stretches by then.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
I agree about months 4-10 were miserable for me. Of course it didn't help I was transitioning back to work during that time.
coconut / 8861 posts
Newborn was tough with both kids. It was worse with our first until we sleep trained at 6 months with him. We had to sleep train our youngest at closer to 4 months because of space issues. Our youngest also had a rock and play with a motor, so it helped keep him calm longer. Going back to work was the hardest until sleep totally normalized around 9 months.
For the eldest, sleep got messy recently around 3.5 years old when he would wake us up to go to the bathroom. Through tons of hard work and incentives, he knows to go to the bathroom on his own and not wake us up. It was fun being woken up at 2:30am when your alarm goes off at 4:30am.
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
Charlie and his 4 month sleep regression. Then we sleep trained and the clouds parted and angels sang!
pineapple / 12793 posts
Months 11&12 with my second.
I was really sick, my three year old was really sick, dh was sick, DD2 was sick, and then we added a newborn who promptly also got sick. No one was sleeping and everyone was hurting.
nectarine / 2047 posts
Everyone who has said until 9 months is giving me so much hope! My guy will be 9 months on the 8th and things have started looking up a bit!
clementine / 918 posts
around 6-9 months. He had sleep through the night on and off since about 4 months but then we started traveling for the holidays and then he got sick and wanted to sleep with me (and I do not sleep soundly with him in bed with me) and was just waking up more times.
I think it was harder because I had just started to get real sleep again and then it was gone. When we stopped traveling and got him on a normal schedule, things got ok again. And they were awesome by about 11 months
persimmon / 1130 posts
The newborn phase. DD has never been a great sleeper, and just started sleeping through the night consistently (at 2!), but those early months were by far the worst. After that I started just bringing her into bed with me and nursing her back to sleep. That saved my sanity those early days back to work.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
Around 6 months for my second, when my first was almost 3. We had a month long stretch where we were all so sick. The baby was waking up a lot because of her cold plus sleep regression, toddler woke up because of back to back ear infections and was a beast during the day, and I was sick and miserable and couldn't shake a sinus infection because I was getting no sleep. Then DH went away for a week for work. The worst.
That was the entire month of this past June.
grapefruit / 4321 posts
With my oldest she slept terribly from 4 months until we weaned somewhere around 15 months. My second also started sleeping terribly at 4 months and it's still pretty crappy at 9 months. WHY do my babies sleep beautifully as newborns, and then the shit hits the fan when I go back to work??
clementine / 756 posts
The first week was a blur of sleeplessness. No sleep for ~40 hours due to labor. Then our son would cry if he wasn't held. So we held him for a solid week. I kid you not. We slept in shifts. It was insane, but he was brand new and I couldn't let him cry and it was so wonderful holding that tiny squish.
Beyond that we haven't had a specific period that was rough sleep. We'll have a few good weeks, a great week, an awful week, a good week, an okay week, etc. Super sporadic.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
For me, DS2's months 0-9m. He was up many times a night and up for the day very early! DS1 was a much more typical baby sleeper.
persimmon / 1101 posts
1-3 were obviously very bad, but 4-8 seemed the worst. It seemed like the zero sleep nights would never (ever, ever) end and it was so hard surviving work during this period. Everyone talks about how bad only two hours at a time seems...but to me that would have been a dream come true!
cantaloupe / 6669 posts
Really the first year was rough. Day one through day 400 or so!
hostess / cantaloupe / 6486 posts
My first still isn't always a great sleeper but it got handled. I fell down a deep deep hole of depression with DD2 from 6 to about 8 months when she started having reflux symptoms at night but I had no idea that was an issue. Bouts of screaming all. night. long. I was crying most of the time too. It sucked.
papaya / 10570 posts
For me, it was my 105hr induction with E, followed by two nights on a ward with screaming babies - almost an entire week with no sleep at all. Then E didn't STTN until 25 months and didn't STTN consistently until just before she turned 3. The newborn days with S seemed a breeze in comparison, although we are just hitting the 4 month sleep regression and I'm legit scared that it will be the end of sleep once again.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
3-4 months. She was waking up every 30-90 mins. No clue how I worked.
apricot / 370 posts
0-18 months for my daughter, who was a terrible sleeper and still waking up 6 times a night at a year old. 3-9 months for my son.
grapefruit / 4079 posts
@Foodnerd81: you're post just terrified me. I'm so, so sorry. That sounds horrible!
nectarine / 2243 posts
I feel like 0-4 was hard but predictably so. 4-8 were SO MUCH HARDER because I kept thinking "it must be, it should be, why isn't it easier!?!!!" The expectation of significant improvement that wasn't occurring was the worst part. And it wasn't easier until she slept through the night at 7-8 months.
nectarine / 2521 posts
Birth until 10 weeks was awful. My son woke up every 1.5 - 2 hours to eat (and took an hour to eat). I started having panic attacks because I just knew I was never going to sleep again. Once we got past that point it's been pretty good.
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