Ok, so I'm 4 weeks PP and my mother in law is in town just for the weekend (she lives across the country from us). She got in last night, fairly late, so we didn't do too much talking last night about M or her routines or anything. M is a very loud sleeper (grunts, cries, etc), she sounds like she's fussing but she's really sleeping. So this morning, she was noisy around 7 and I knew she wasn't up yet bc she had been up at 6 as usual and then she usually sleeps until 9ish. So I checked the monitor, saw that she was asleep and went back to sleep. So when I woke up again a little while later (about 7:30) bc M was crying, MIL had picked her up and was shushing her and now she was awake and wanted to eat... Would it bug you? I'm trying to separate my feelings about 1) waking up and my baby not being in her crib/someone else taking my baby out of her crib; 2) losing 2ish hours of sleep bc MIL woke up M; and 3) my general not great relationship with my MIL. Not sure if I should make an issue of it or discuss it with DH (who slept through the whole thing).