I am 16 weeks pregnant, and around 10 weeks I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Before I got pregnant, I had been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, so it wasn't surprising that I failed the glucose challenge. While TTC I had been taking a drug called Metformin which helps control blood sugar, but I kind of slacked off after getting a positive.
I got back on the Metformin and had great results. I was able to eat foods that have surprised both the diabetes counselor and my nutritionist. But when I don't take it, I immediately see a jump in blood sugar. I tracked my blood sugar for a few weeks with great results, except for certain days where I did dumb things like eat half a dominos pizza.
However, the endocrinologist I was referred to told me at my last appointment that I need to stop taking Metformin (which BTW is pregnancy category B), that it's typically discontinued after the 1st trimester. She said no one runs studies on pregnant women and that since it crosses the placenta we can't know if it's safe or not. She also had an awful bedside manner and basically told me that I'd almost certainly need to go on insulin.
Then I heard here on hellobee that some doctors let/insist that women stay on it their entire pregnancy. I did some research and was able to find studies that support that Metformin does not appear to have any adverse affects on the mother or fetus.
So I'm kind of ticked off at the doctor and questioning whether I want to continue under her care or not. I feel like she's not keeping up to date with research (which was done in 2005-2011). And I was not a fan of her demeanor. However, she works along with my OB practice and I have no idea how it'll work if I go see someone else.
Oh, and on a side note, I got updated A1c results today and I'm down from 6.5 to 6.0 which is borderline normal!