LO is 10 months and just now to small for her Chicco Keyfit 30. Friends of ours gave us two EvenFlo Triumphs that their daughters had used. One of them is in pretty bad shape (man, there are cheerios in places I didn't know cheerios could go) but the other is fine. We used one on our road trip to his parents last weekend. I think LO was more comfortable than her bucket, but it doesn't recline very far and sleeping looked uncomfortable at times. It's not incredibly padded. I kept talking about wanting to get a Chicco Nextfit at least for my car, which we take on long trips. I'm fine with a Triumph in his car for day care drop off, etc. So, I saw they were on sale for $150 on amazon today and snapped one up. I emailed DH, exclaiming about the deal I just got. He emailed back and said, "I really wish we could have talked about this before deciding to purchase." What?

The Triumphs don't expire until 2018 and they've never been in a crash, so there's nothing technically wrong with them. I just don't think they're the best we can do. I think he just wants to save the money. Would you cancel the order? I told him we could, but he hasn't emailed back. I'm worried the deal will be gone if we delay.