We went to a wedding this weekend, and I found out our friend's wife is about 5 months pregnant- yay! Except, apparently she was drinking most of the night. I personally only saw her have 1, maybe 2, drinks (I saw her throwing a bottle away, so cannot say for sure whether she drank it or what) but people at her table at the wedding say she had at least 4 drinks (wine, vodka, champagne).
People were pretty upset, but everyone else had been drinking much more so emotions were high. Some people wanted to say something to the husband, I thought everyone was too drunk to have that kind of conversation at that moment. I've been thinking about it since and I don't really know what the right thing to do would have been. I'm not close enough to the couple to ever say something, but if your good friend's wife was drinking at least 4 drinks in a night while pregnant, what would you do?
Note-- I have no problem with pregnant women having a drink while pregnant, it's their choice. But 4 seems excessive even by the most lenient recommendations. Thoughts?