You know I always tried to not unfriend people for their beliefs, but I'm at this point where I think I have people on my list that are acquaintances or friends of friends.

Up until recently, I always tried to let some friends say whatever they want and I could just read and ignore it. I'm changing my tune.

I recently had to unfriend my close friend's husband. Honestly, I'm not sure why I friended him years ago. It was probably when they were dating or when they got married and I wanted to know more about him. (I was never invited to their family-only small wedding.) I still consider her a good friend, though.

Yeah, simply put, I have some friends that are close and will almost always me my friend and I can put our differences aside. My friendship is more important than our differing beliefs. Other friends that don't fit this category are and will be gone.

For people like her husband, I don't need to be FB friends with him. It will probably be better for both of us. We've butt heads a couple times online. Other than the online disagreements, he brings nothing to the table friendship wise.

Anyone feeling this way? Or what are your rules for friends on social media (I guess in this situation, it would be facebook).

On the flip side, I do have high school friends that I wasn't close to in high school but have noticed we have a lot of similar beliefs. Though, back in high school, politics wasn't something I voiced my opinion about often.

I do need to trim my friends list down.