At 28 weeks I had some bright red bleeding while having a bowel movement. There was quite a bit of red blood in the toilet bowl, and then of course when I wiped myself. The blood was coming from my vagina, and not my behind.

I went to the doctor and they did a pelvic exam and an ultra sound and didn't see anything and put me on pelvic rest. At the ultrasound, the tech said she was having a hard time measuring the distance between my cervix and the placenta because of where the baby was sitting and she didn't want to do an internal one because of the pelvic rest. She said the doctor may want me to come in for an internal ultrasound later. However when my doctor got my ultrasound pictures she said it looked okay.

Now this morning at 32 weeks I had the same issue, where I had a bowel movement and I'm bleeding, but it's seemed to stop now and it's just spotting, I called the doctor's office and the nurse told me to call back if it starts again.

I had an appt with the doctor yesterday and I told her I was having a lot of pain in my lower left side, and that everytime the baby moved it was very painful. She said she didn't know what could be causing it but I should try a chiropractor to see if they can get the baby to move away from my left side. At my 20 week appt, my placenta was borderline previa, and I still had a cyst on my left ovary which had shrunk from 4.5 cm to 2.5 cm.

I can't tell if I feel crampy right now or it's my imagination! Did any of you have third trimester bleeding, if so, did you do anything for it? I'm not thrilled with the care at my doctor's office so not sure I trust them, but I don't want to run to the ER over nothing either...