Oh ladies, I'm in serious need of help, or at least commiseration. This is going to be long and I apologize in advance. I'm a FTM with a six week old. DS was born at 36 plus 2 due to me having pre-e. My BP was consistently floating around 190/110, so I was induced. I feel like other than the forceps 😟 I had a very good delivery, and physically a great recovery. My poor little man on the other hand has had nothing but problems. 😔. First DS started screaming 12 hours a day ( most of which occurred between 10pm and 6am) at 2 weeks old and after multiple trips to the ped, we found out he has silent reflux, so he started on Zantac. Well that did nothing but piss him off more. After a week with no improvement he was put on Nexium. While waiting to see if the Nexium was gonna work DS started to have blood in his poop, so back to the ped, for a diagnosis of MSPI. Fast forward a week and The Nexium is working and so is the hypoallergenic formula, but now my poor baby is constipated from the Nexium. I feel like it never ending with this child! I knew that becoming a mother would be a drastic change but I feel like I've been thrown in the ocean with no floaties. On top of all that he doesn't sleep, his witching hour seems to be from 11pm to 2am 😔. I'm exhausted! Once he does fall asleep around 2 he gets up at 5 to feed, then back to sleep around 6, then up at 8 for the day 😟. After that I cannot get this child to go back to sleep till around 11! He acts like 5 hours of sleep at night is all he needs. I have DH help Friday and Saturday nights, but during the week the nights are all me. I've tried everything swaddling, shushing, white noise , bouncer, swing, (safe)co-sleeping and the rocking chair. I just need to know that this gets better and that this tiny perfect little person is gonna sleep eventually lol. Or just that at some point it will get better eventually. Any tips or ticks are greatly appreciated! Thank you ladies.