pear / 1881 posts
@Bea: Yeah, it's been slow with the BFP's, so hopefully, we can get a few more before Christmas! I head to the acupuncturist this afternoon for my third appointment and am going to wait a few more days to POAS. I did last night and had a BFN, as expected. I'm only 9 DPO today, so it's still pretty early. I was just super curious, considering the high progesterone results I got yesterday. to everyone out there!
apricot / 375 posts
@Bea: Trying not to symptom spot or use the few Wondfos I have left or buy all the pregnancy tests
apricot / 375 posts
@NorthStar: those progesterone results were great! And 9dpo is super early!
pea / 18 posts
Hi ladies,
I am a habitual lurker to these boards and get a lot out of reading about everyone else's experience, so I thought I would stop lurking and start contributing!
Cycle Day: 29/4DPO
TTC Cycle #: 6
Ovulation and POAS dates: O: ~ December 7, POAS: December 21 (Will try to hold out as long as possible, but I am not very good at waiting!)
Baby #: 1
Your plan this month: Continue charting, using Clearblue Advanced Fertility Monitor, limit my caffeine and alcohol, exercise regularly, prenatals.
Chart link:
And just for fun... what's on your holiday wish list this year (besides a BFP)? Truthfully? The only thing I really want is that elusive BFP!!
I do have a question about my CM and I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced it.... first of all, I ovulated a few days later than usual this month, and I'm not sure why. Also, for the last 2 days, my CM has been REALLY thick and creamy. Normally, it has a very distinct lotion-like consistency, but this month, it is very thick and creamy. Almost like frosting in it's thickness... and lots of it. I would apologize for the TMI, but we are all pretty familiar with our CM and evaluating it's every detail in this TTC journey!!
Has anyone else experienced this and had it end in a BFP? Or, does anyone know why it might be different this month? Maybe a hormonal thing?
grape / 84 posts
@Bea: I'm here TWW -ing for the very first time, and trying not to symptom spot TOO much while I patiently await my POAS date. I'm 6 or 7 dpo today. I got excited this morning when my temp spiked almost half a degree, but that probably doesn't mean anything yet.
clementine / 903 posts
@mrsdoo: Welcome! I am relatively new here too Similar place to you in the TTC #1 journey (about 5 months into it for me). Hoping for BFPs soon for everyone here!
apricot / 375 posts
@MrsDoo: Welcome! To be honest, I have the hardest time evaluating my CM, so I'm not really any help there. But I'm sure lots of the other ladies know better than I do when it comes to that!
squash / 13764 posts
AF showed today so you can roll me over to next month. Feeling happy that I only spotted the day before AF, instead of several days as I had been pre m/c! Hopefully that's a good sign for the future.
grape / 84 posts
@MrsDoo: welcome!! I'm really new to this TTC stuff so sorry I can't help you there. But good luck!
grape / 89 posts
@mrsdoo I am totally new to this too but am also interested to hear if anyone has any ideas on this.
I am on CD21 and I'm not using OPKs but I have been noticing EWCM the last couple of days and am wondering if my predicted O day is way off or if it means anything. I figure if there is anywhere where people would know about CM, it is here, so maybe someone has some insight
coffee bean / 37 posts
@Imabee and @msdoo, I've been wondering the same thing, It looks like it's one of those things that could be early pregnancy, but also could be nothing (LIKE EVERYTHING!).
CD 30 now. Last two cycles have been 28 days, so this is official the first day of a "missed period". FF is still averaging my last 5 cycles out though (28, 28, 31, 37, 32) and telling me I have 31 day cycles. I was a 29 day'er before baby #1 though, so 28 days seems right.
Tried another test today and still BFN. I'm only, min of 13 days DPO today though and I didn't get a positive til 16 DPO last time. No AF in sight though, so holding on to some hope here!
Does anyone regularly track cervix position? I don't usually, but have been this week. As of today it's back so far I can't reach it. Hoping that's a good sign. I also just *feel* pregnant today--sort of weird cross between nauseous and crampy. My lower abdomen just feels all wavy.
Enough symptom spotting for now. I have one more HPT and I know it's just going to burn a hole in my pocket til I take it...
pea / 18 posts
@FairSeas: Good luck!! I'm anxious to know what the result is when you test again. It's so hard to distract yourself to anything else when all you want to do is symptom spot, test, and google!
grape / 89 posts
@FairSeas I feel like everything can be a symptom! I thought I'd be more easygoing about this stuff but I am incredibly impatient. It's so hard just not knowing and waiting. Good luck to you
cherry / 237 posts
I feel like either I'm going crazy or I must have miscalculated my O-date, because I'm at 17dpo (I think), testing negative, but have EVERY POSSIBLE symptom of being pregnant. Extra cervical mucus? Yes, thank you, gobs every day. Exhaustion at every turn & passing out before 7pm? Yep. Queasy rumbling bloated belly with a side of constipation? Check. Mild on and off cramps, twinges, and weird sensations in my uterus, abdomen, and diaphragm? Totally! And NONE of these are PMS symptoms for me. UGH SO FRUSTRATING. I know there's nothing to do but wait either for a positive result or menstruation, but. SIGH. I'm not a patient person by nature, and the waiting is not helping or helped by my anxiety.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@kgbee: Just out of curiosity, have you ever had a positive HPT? Some women don't metabolize hCG into their urine, so they only test positive on blood tests. It's rare, but something to think about.
pomelo / 5132 posts
@kjpugs: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. So so so excited for you lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grapefruit / 4862 posts
@Mrs. J: @travellingbee: @hilsy85: thanks! I was shocked I thought I was out. Guess I really did O early.
cherry / 237 posts
@Torchwood: I got a positive at 18dpo with my son. But I tend toward 5-6 week cycles anyway, so I'm hoping this is just a longer (thus frustrating) one.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
I guess I will join in. I got the go ahead from my doctor to try without intervention this month, my 1st month post chemical pregnancy.
Cycle Day: CD17/3DPO
TTC Cycle #:6
Ovulation and POAS dates: Ovulated 12/8 Will test on 12/20
Baby #: 2
Your plan this month: I am doing acupuncture and am on vaginal progesterone for my LP. And we are using Preseed. Otherwise, no other intervention. This was supposed to be our first IUI cycle, but everything got thrown off by my CP last month. Went in for a hysteroscopy and ultrasound on CD10 and I had a good nearly mature follicle and I surged a couple of days later so I know that my body was back to normal and I definitely ovulated.
Chart link: Not charting this cycle.
pea / 18 posts
@travellingbee: Good luck! I had a CP in September and it was really tough. Keep up posted!
grapefruit / 4862 posts
@BandDmommy: @Torchwood: @QBbride: @My Only Sunshine: @mrs scrapbook: thanks so much guys!!!!! @autumnlove: that was my EXACT reaction! I was sure I was out! But looking back the insomnia and peeing all the time... makes sense now. Too bad I'm sooo sick with a cold! Hope I don't cough this baby out.
pomelo / 5607 posts
@kjpugs: I was sick the first couple weeks last time, and it sucked! Hope you feel better soon!
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