Hellobee Boards


A Season of Miracles - December 2014 POAS

  1. Chaosmaven

    apricot / 315 posts

    POAS Dates

    Mrs. J; abmamma; Mrs. Microscope; mrsjd

    TBD: jaguar; raspberries; Crystal

    12/5: busylizzy111; Navy_Mommy
    12/6: jennyg; Ashleyf21
    12/9: fairseas
    12/10: 2farmmoms; kgbee
    12/11: yerpie110
    12/12: ballerinabee; kjpugs
    12/13: hilsy85
    12/14: snickers
    12/15: Willow
    12/16: MissLace; mrs scrapbook
    12/17: MrsADS; NorthStar
    12/23: AprilFool; SugarplumsMom; Mrs.GM
    12/24: Bea
    12/25: AMommyThang
    12/26: SunnyFarmMama
    12/29: Honeygold89
    12/30: My Only Sunshine
    12/31: EleanorRigby; yogirunner; californiadreams; chaosmaven

    Cheerleaders: mrsmcarthy; faithfertility; simply felicity; little blessings; travellingbee

    Ok, we need some good news around here! Wishing you ladies due to test this weekend good luck!

  2. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @californiadreams: @Chaosmaven: boo, sorry ladies! At least you get another chance this month!!! Fx

  3. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    AF has stayed away, and I got some beautiful, dark hpts and "pregnant" digitals this morning! I think this is really happening! DH and I are going out to celebrate tomorrow night. Thank you ladies for all your well wishes and amazing support!

  4. MissLace

    apricot / 311 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: woohoo! That's awesome!!

  5. mrs scrapbook

    apricot / 375 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: That is awesome!!! Congratulations!!!

  6. mrs.gm

    grape / 84 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: yay!! Have fun celebrating!

  7. abmamma

    kiwi / 641 posts

    @californiadreams @chaosmaven: so sorry to hear this! FX for better luck later this month

    @Mrs.Microscope: Yeah!

  8. JennyG

    clementine / 912 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: Yay!! So excited for you!

    I didn't test today, but definitely have some AF type cramps going on. I'm pretty sure I'm out, but I plan on testing tomorrow just in case.

  9. ballerinabee

    apricot / 452 posts

    @californiadreams: @Chaosmaven: I'm sorry about AF, but happy that you get to POAS again this month! and hoping this is still your month!

    @Mrs. Microscope: Ah! That's wonderful! Hooray for a sticky bean. Grow, baby, grow!

    As for me, 8dpo (per OPKs, no temping this month, so could be +/- a day or two), and impatient me POAS this morning. Used a wondfo from a known bad batch (expired 11/2014, I don't have the lot # handy, but they're apparently crappy) and got a BFN.

    Since I was not expecting it to work, but it satisfied my impatient need to POAS, I wasn't terribly disappointed. A girl can always hope, but I knew there was almost zero chance of it showing anything.

    I had a squinter at 8dpo on a wondfo with C, so I thought it was worth a shot. Ha.

  10. FairSeas

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    For anyone working on baby #2--was sore/tender breasts a big symptom for you? It wasn't that I recall the first time around. Since having my period return in May though, I have been getting intense nipple sensitivity on days that (seem to) coincide with ovulation. I had it this month on days that looked like they lined up with O. It's dropped off in the last couple days though. I kind of thought it would/should stick around if I was pregnant this time. Sign that I'm not getting pregnant this cycle? Normal for me? Just go ahead and test already?

  11. FairSeas

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    @ballerinabee: That's how I feel "impatient need to POAS" even if I think it's too early/will be negative. There's some sort of catharsis there!!

  12. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    Cycle Day: 13
    TTC Cycle #: 1
    Ovulation and POAS dates: I think day 15 or 16. I will test when AF is late so prob after Christmas? I think?
    Baby #: 3
    Your plan this month: Be relaxed...yeah right! I am a chartaholic and I have been temping since the summer....I hope I know what I'm doing!

    Good luck to everyone!

  13. BandDmommy

    pomelo / 5660 posts

    @autumnlove: exciting!!!!

  14. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @BandDmommy: Using your OPKs! FX!

  15. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @autumnlove: ahh!! exciting!!!

  16. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @mrs.gm: definitely positive

  17. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @FairSeas: I'm 4 weeks, and my boobs have been off and on sore since before my positive. I don't remember it ever getting really bad in the past, just off and on like this.

    @californiadreams: Actually, FMU isn't strictly necessary. The issue is concentration. Since most people aren't getting up and having big glasses of water in the middle of the night, typically FMU is the most concentrated. However, I've actually had better luck with SMU as long as I didn't drink anything in between. Probably because I tend to get up to pee a lot at night, and I do drink a bit of water then (I sleep with my mouth open, so my mouth gets really dry). So as long as you don't drink anything for a good while, it really doesn't matter if it's FMU. Just look at the color. The lighter it is, the more likely you are to have a false negative because it's not concentrated enough for the test to pick up the hcg.

  18. mrs.gm

    grape / 84 posts

    @travellingbee: thanks! I got another positive this morning. BD'd last night and plan to tonight and tomorrow.

  19. Mrs. Microscope

    pear / 1788 posts

    @mrs.gm: sounds like great timing!

  20. Mrs. J

    pomelo / 5132 posts

    @Torchwood: yes. This. The first positive test I got this time was actually just a three hour hold in the afternoon!

  21. Berly

    cherry / 107 posts

    Cycle Day: 2
    TTC Cycle #: 3
    Ovulation and POAS dates: O around 12/17, POAS 12/31
    Baby #: 1
    Your plan this month: opks, pay better attention to cm, and more bding!

    A BFP on NYE would be a great way to ring in 2015!!

  22. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @Berly: welcome to HB! Good luck!

  23. mrs scrapbook

    apricot / 375 posts

    @Bea: ugh - it does!

    And with my temp today FF doesn't care if yesterday's was the low one or the high one! It still has me ovulating on Tuesday. All that stressing for nothing

  24. Berly

    cherry / 107 posts

    @autumnlove: Thanks! Good luck to you on baby number 3!

  25. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: so exciting!!

    @Torchwood: thanks, that makes sense. what does SMU stand for?

  26. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @Berly: @autumnlove: good luck ladies!!!

  27. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    @californiadreams: second morning urine. But really any time that you have a decent hold (and no intake) is all you need.

  28. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    by the way, since this was my first POAS thread, can someone explain how it works when you get a BFN? Does everyone with a BFN turn into a cheerleader or a rollover until next month? I put myself to POAS for December 31, but because my period came a day later than predicted, my iPeriod app actually says January 1st now is when my next AF is expected, so maybe I will wait until then to POAS again.

    And I might also look into OPKs this month and that might change my next POAS date too, right? So I am thinking to call myself a "cheerleader" for now until i decide for sure when I will POAS again as I am still checking this thread daily and rooting for the rest of you!

  29. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @Torchwood: ah ok, thanks!

  30. mrs.gm

    grape / 84 posts

    @Mrs. Microscope: I really hope so!

    @Berly: @autumnlove: hi and good luck!!

  31. Chaosmaven

    apricot / 315 posts

    @californiadreams: You can be whatever you want to be! My next AF is due Jan 2nd, but I'm going to start POAS around 12 dpo, so Dec. 31 works for me. Some people choose a date that is early as they have a short luteal phase or want to test at 10 DPO, others list the day of AF or later. I'll add you as a cheerleader in my next update!

  32. californiadreams

    pomegranate / 3411 posts

    @Chaosmaven: ok thanks! i don't think i want to test until my next AF is due, i get too anxious and don't want to have to test several days in a row. I would rather take one test and get one final answer!!

  33. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @FairSeas: my breasts felt sore last time- like they felt big and sore like I wanted to massage them. But just briefly. If I hadn't have been symptom spotting I may have written it off.

  34. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @autumnlove: HIII yay welcome

  35. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    @Berly: welcome!!! Love that your test day is 12/31!!!! That will be fun if it's !

  36. littleblessings

    pear / 1739 posts

    Hoping someone gets a BFP today! It's my birthday so hopefully it's someone's lucky day!

  37. snickers

    cherry / 168 posts

    @FairSeas: When I got pregnant with DS I had absolutely no symptoms at all, (I even had a 7week dating scan as I was worried there was no baby there as I didn't feel any different!) Prior to having him I didn't really have symptoms around O, but the last 2 cycles I have had very sensitive breasts, it got my hopes up but I guess that is just an O sign for me now.

    @littleblessings: Happy Birthday! I hope you are having a great day

  38. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @littleblessings: Happy birthday!

  39. mrs scrapbook

    apricot / 375 posts

    @littleblessings: happy birthday!!!

  40. LBee

    pomegranate / 3895 posts

    @littleblessings: happy birthday!!

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